For many to forgive is one of the toughest thing to do, while it comes easy for others; a decision to pardon someone is beneficial whether individual or to a country as we see in President Gerald Ford decision to pardon Richard Nixon after the Watergate scandal. President Nixon the only United States President to ever resign as a consequence of the Watergate scandal. ( One has to understand that forgiveness is the beginning of a healing process and at the time the United States of America as a nation need to heal as the country recovery from the ordeal of the Vietnam War. In my opinion, President Nixon only logical choice was to resign because he would almost definitely would be charged with criminal charges and would have been impeached. On the other hand I believe that President Ford humbly put himself aside and put his country interest first, in life not many are willing to do that. …show more content…
Ford’s compassionate decision to pardon Nixon ultimately bring an end to his presidency in the 1976 election, but for him it was better that way than allowing a trial that would disclose possible corruption in the US government. Many to this date, believe that Ford’s decision was wrong, but I unequivocally disagree, I believe it was the right thing to do for the country. President Jimmy Carter, Ford’s successor, address the united states as a nation during his inaugural speech by commending President Ford for his propitious decree to pardon Nixon as he speaks for the nation and himself “For myself and for our Nation, I want to thank my predecessor for all he has done to heal our land.”
Richard Nixon’s involvement in the Watergate scandal left no doubt to his involvement of being impeached. During the Nixon Administration, he was able to prevent colleges from being gender biased and allowing both male and female to have equal opportunity and receiving financial aid as well as competing in sports. He was able to establish the Environmental Protection Agency. He also worked to create a relationship between the U.S and the Middle East. Unfortunately, even with all of the accomplishments, he was able to have, everyone will remember Richard Nixon as the president who was involved in the Watergate scandal. The Watergate scandal left an asterisk by his legacy while being in the office, the results left him with having to resign and with him facing criminal charges as well, the Scandal became well known to the public in the summer of 1974. Through my essay, I will discuss why I am intrigued by the Watergate scandal, and discuss what if Richard Nixon never got caught on the audio tape?
President Nixon was accused of illegal trust, and he knew he was being put on spot. Under such pressure, he was able to turn everything around by admitting his problem. He volunteered to list all his financial matter to prove that he is not afraid to clearly list all his income and spending. He also used this attack back at his enemies by saying how others politicians should follow his example and be honest with the public. By admitting his accuser is right, he earned back respect from people and also used it against his opponent.
As president, Ford’s first goal and expectation by America, was to speak on the resignation of Nixon and the Watergate scandal (Green). Upon being inaugurated, on August 9, 1974, Ford declared, “I assume the Presidency under extraordinary circumstances.... This is an hour of history that troubles our minds and hurts our hearts” (Ford). On September 8, 1974, President Ford signed a proclamation pardoning Richard Nixon (Green). This means that Nixon nor any of his family members would be punished for any crime that he committed (Ford). This was a very controversial act on Ford’s part and many Americans thought that it was because they were such close friends (Freidel and Sidey). Other people and even newspapers mocked Ford saying this pardon was, “A gross misuse, if not abuse, of presidential power” (Brinkley 68). This was simply not the case. America was in a rough spot; terrible inflation plagued the country as well as the political unrest caused by the recent incidents (Freidel and Sidey). How much more could the people take? Ford chose this
On September 8, 1974, President Gerald Ford delivered a speech that stunned the nation. Thirty days after former President Richard Nixon’s resignation from office due to the infamous Watergate scandal, President Ford chose to pardon him of any wrongdoing. This decision was extremely unpopular with the general public. For the most part, the public believed that Nixon needed to receive some form of punishment for his actions. President Ford knew this and delivered his speech in an attempt to explain his unpopular decision and quell the response. However, President Ford failed in his goal. While President Ford established his credibility and effectively appealed to the listener’s emotions, he failed to logically support his reasoning, relying too much an emotional appeal.
President Ford was right to give Nixon pardon because if he hadn’t, the nation would just be focused on getting Nixon in jail, they wouldn’t be focusing on helping America heal, and it would have taken longer for it to
Nixon stepping down and Ford’s pardon were efforts to rebuild faith in the government and encourage unity among countries. As Nixon assumed responsibility, he expressed that he would need the help and support of us all. He emphasized looking to the
Gerald Ford was a great Leader who formed our country for the better. He was a president who responded to pressure in a remarkable way. He was the first unelected president in the nations history. Since he was not elected he had many people doubting him and what he could do. Ford also came after one of the biggest scandals the Water Gate Scandal which had caused Nixon to resign. All of America was waiting for him to see if he could fix there nations problems everything was up to him. Although he New many would not like him he still gave Nixon a pardon. He wanted to do
Amid the slew of scandals surrounding politicians and government agencies who have been exposed throughout the years, there is one president who always comes to mind. Richard Milhous Nixon, the 37th President of the United States of America is infamously remembered as a crooked politician and associated with the word Watergate, but the truth is that all of the animosity towards President Nixon is not warranted. As a matter of fact, his progressive policies and political action would make him one of America’s greatest leaders.
Jimmy Carter served as the United States’ 39th president from 1977 to 1981. He came into presidency not long after the Vietnam War and the Watergate Scandal. In this time of US history, American citizens were mistrusting of the executive branch of government do to these events. Throughout his campaign, Carter warranted for an improvement in the honesty of our government, and repeatedly stated, “I will never tell a lie”. At the core of his presidency, Carter worked extremely hard to better America by promoting a respect for human rights.
Over the last few decades, the United States has faced many controversies that have plagued our nation’s reputation, as well as creating a, predictable, distrust between the citizens and the government, on all levels. Our current President has stirred up many conversations and controversies, though the president may land his name in the history books, for all the wrong reasons. There happens to be another president in our past, who’s actions had created countless books, movies, discussions, and news reports; the president in question is none other than the infamous President Richard Nixon. The Watergate Scandal was an incredibly complex incident that brought attention to all sorts of questionable ethical actions, which ultimately led to President
The Watergate Scandal was the downfall of Richard Nixon. It made Americans put less trust in the government and built trust in the media. It all takes place at the Watergate Hotel. He led an extremely corrupt administration to get him re elected. He also was the first President to resign. The unethical organization that was formed was called the CRP (later creep). They helped Nixon get re elected in 1972. They used illegal tactics to get him re elected. They paid lawyers for the burglars who broke into the Watergate Hotel. These people were known as the Plumbers. That was directed by John Ehrlichman. They were the White House investigation unit. They prevented information leak and burglarize any of Nixon reveals. Watergate seven was Richard Nixon closest comrades. They were in charge of the Creep and the plumbers that carried out many illegal activities. Christ the Transformer of Business culture is a good trait to obtain. “These people are intimately involved with those in the business, but their distinctive Christian standards are not lost” (Ruddell, 2004, p. 40). The people that were involved in the Watergate scandal should have had this trait.
is all that people seem to remember about President Nixon's 6 years in office. This makes some
President Richard Nixon's Watergate Scandal is one of the most controversial court cases to this date. He was the first president to ever resign from office and caused the American trust in the government to suffer. Did Richard Nixon really have something to hide? Did the Supreme court make the right decision? Was the case handled in the most sufficient way? Whether one agrees with the outcome of Nixon vs. United States or not, this case left a mark on American history and shouldn't lessen trust in the American Government. The case was treated just as equally as any other case and went through the long Judicial practice as stated in the Constitution.
The transgressions uncovered during the Watergate break-in investigation discouraged Americans by shattering their belief in Presidential infallibility. As Richard Nixon’s chief-of-staff, H.R. Haldeman, said, “…comes a very clear thing: you can’t trust the government; you can’t believe what they say; and you can’t rely on their judgment; and the – the implicit infallibility of presidents, which has been an accepted thing in America, is badly hurt by this, because it shows that people do things the President wants to do even though it’s wrong, and the President can be wrong.” These words expressed the sentiment of most Americans following Watergate and the publicity surrounding the investigation and President Nixon’s subsequent resignation.
The impact of the scandal led to his resignation. He had to choose between resigning and getting impeached. He preferred the first. He was going to be impeached for three major violations. They were violation of constitutional oath, prevented, obstructed, and impeded administration of justice, and concealed those responsible of prison. However he avoided them by resigning and also getting a pardon from the next president-Gerald Ford.