
President Nixon And The Watergate Scandal

Decent Essays

For many to forgive is one of the toughest thing to do, while it comes easy for others; a decision to pardon someone is beneficial whether individual or to a country as we see in President Gerald Ford decision to pardon Richard Nixon after the Watergate scandal. President Nixon the only United States President to ever resign as a consequence of the Watergate scandal. ( One has to understand that forgiveness is the beginning of a healing process and at the time the United States of America as a nation need to heal as the country recovery from the ordeal of the Vietnam War. In my opinion, President Nixon only logical choice was to resign because he would almost definitely would be charged with criminal charges and would have been impeached. On the other hand I believe that President Ford humbly put himself aside and put his country interest first, in life not many are willing to do that. …show more content…

Ford’s compassionate decision to pardon Nixon ultimately bring an end to his presidency in the 1976 election, but for him it was better that way than allowing a trial that would disclose possible corruption in the US government. Many to this date, believe that Ford’s decision was wrong, but I unequivocally disagree, I believe it was the right thing to do for the country. President Jimmy Carter, Ford’s successor, address the united states as a nation during his inaugural speech by commending President Ford for his propitious decree to pardon Nixon as he speaks for the nation and himself “For myself and for our Nation, I want to thank my predecessor for all he has done to heal our land.”

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