
President Trump Ethical Issues

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Today’s political environment, has seen more public dissatisfaction with an incoming president than any other time in recent history. Protests around the country are ongoing as people are voicing their opposition to new immigration policies and presidential actions deemed to be unethical, unconstitutional, and immoral. Although there are those who support President Trump’s view on immigration, there is a large contingent of the population who believe the president’s conduct is morally and ethically wrong. In contrast to what some see as wrong conduct, Geuras and Garofalo (2011) note, “Right conduct refers not only to the honest management of public resources but also to respect for the rights and dignity of persons within and outside of public organizations” (p. 321). Immigration rights groups and activists argue the new rules for deportation violate basic civil rights and harm the dignity of those immigrants …show more content…

This is creating an atmosphere of mistrust and disrespect for the Trump administration. This perceived lack of “right conduct” on President Trump’s part, has made it all but impossible for him to garner the support of the citizenry to trust him to govern effectively in a bi-partisan manner. The inability of people to trust, or even respect the president, has many calling into question his judgement on other political decisions. Whether the president’s action is right or wrong depends on one’s moral and ethical point of view. Consequently, this issue has strong emotions tied to it. Many believe his actions are clearly in direct opposition to the statement, "right conduct in government translates into a well-founded respect for, and trust of government on the part of the

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