
President Trump's Honesty Media

Decent Essays

Like many Americans, I automatically cringe when I hear President Trump refer to a “so called judge” or “the lying media,” as we're not accustomed to hearing presidents say anything remotely inflammatory, controversial or non-presidential. Instead, their pronouncements (they're typically much too smart to verbalize ad hoc or “off the cuff” statements) are usually circumspect, somewhat ambiguous and highly political; and thus in comparison we immediately assume President Trump is exhibiting emotion or immaturity when he “tweets his mind”. However, if we attempt to identify the major problems facing our country, we quickly realize our questionable media and political judiciary are both at the top of the list. The media do lie (if lie is too harsh a term, substitute prevaricate, …show more content…

Obviously, both of Trump’s allegations are unequivocally true, but are they significant enough to bring to the forefront in a national discussion? Absolutely!! In fact, they’re of paramount importance, as our country needs an honest media and objective SCOTUS to provide the check and balance oversight over our three-branch system. Consequently, both are core principles, and thus in a paradoxical way, the impatient Trump is exhibiting brilliance when he tweets these seemingly inflammatory statements, as he’s bringing focus to these two, most fundamental problems facing our country. Yes, we all should be outraged, but not with Trump’s candid tweets; but instead with the dishonest media and activist judiciary; the immediate effect of which has skewed the “level playing field” of our two-party landscape to favor the profligate liberals, and ultimately will result in the destruction of our beloved country if left unabated. Trump apparently realizes this and is trying to raise public awareness to it; so we should laud him for taking action instead of castigating him for his

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