
President 's Lawn Care Service

Decent Essays

I chose President’s Lawn Care Service where Mr. Charles President is the owner. It is a local business within the Gadsden County, Florida area. I was born and have lived in Havana, Florida, most of my life and attended the public school system. It gives me great pleasure to elaborate on Mr. President’s background in the area of Lawn Care. This is a much needed service for the residents in the area. In 2012 President’s Lawn Care Service, Inc. was established in the northeastern portion of Gadsden County. The company is headquartered behind the owner’s home at 123 Walter Street, Havana, Florida.
The objectives in which President’s Lawn Care Service, Inc. seeks to employ within the next 5 years are:
 Create a company website
 Increase …show more content…

The business has a two person work crew, one employee and himself.
President’s Lawn Care Services mission is to provide excellent lawn care that will exceed the expectations of its customers. The professional and reliable clean air services will be the key to attracting and maintaining customers. Because it is seasonal, most of President’s revenue will be earned during the months of April through November. During off season, revenue earnings will come from fall leaf removal and over-seeding.
President’s Lawn Care will target the middle class, middle-aged and elderly homeowners with no children. This group of customers is more likely to rely on a lawn care service to maintain their lawn. Also, there are no children in the household to help with their lawn care. The average income is $45-$60K, with enough disposable income to pay for lawn care. By year two, the owner will purchase more equipment and hire an additional employee.
 The single most important objective for President’s Lawn Care Service will be to position the business as the premier lawn care service in the area for middle aged, residential families. After conducting a situation analysis, President’s Lawn Care Service identified some key opportunities that will influence the growth and success of the company. The company will seek to establish brand equity by performing professional clean-air services at a very low cost. This would attract new

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