This year the presidential elections will take place at the beginning of November, and there are lots of people wondering how this is going to end. Some candidates for these presidential elections may not have been the best choice for their respective parties, but the one that really shouts, “I should not be here” is Mr. Donald Trump. His personality and actions are not the correct ones for a president because of his temper and comments against other cultures. On the other hand, we have Mrs. Clinton who is a more competent candidate; she has more experience on the field of politics than Mr. Trump who has none at all, which are the reasons why she is a better choice as a candidate and as president of the U.S. Mrs. Clinton has thirty years in the politics field; she has been Senator of New York, First lady of the U.S., and Secretary of State. She has the necessary background to back her up for this presidential race and that makes her a strong candidate for president. As another candidate, we have Mr. Donald Trump who has a limited background in politics. Mr. Trump has no experience in politics at all and his actions are not the best for a president, he has too much anger against others and the way he expresses himself is not proper for the post he wants. His being a businessperson may attract the Republican voters, but being successful as a businessperson does not make him a good option for the president of his country. If that were the case, Bill Gates would have been
For many decades, one woman has impacted American politics in multiple ways. From being a senator, a first lady, and even secretary of state, Hilary Clinton has fought hard for her beliefs. Like child care, gun control, and bettering the economy, she has always taken pride on her platforms and making American citizens’ lives better, and not only for the wealthy. Unlike her opponent, Donald Trump, Clinton has a political history to look back on. There are multitudes of Trump and his history like him filing for bankruptcy on more than one occasion.
In response to the widely unexpected and controversial election of Donald Trump the University of Maryland’s Government and Politics department hosted a panel to help staff and students understand how this happened. Additionally the panel hosts each spoke of what will happen to our government in terms of foreign and domestic policy. Each panel host had a different perspective on the matter and it made to be a very interesting discussion filled with a diverse set of opinions on how Donald Trump got elected and what it all means going forward. The speakers for the event were Irwin Morris, David Karol, Antoine Banks, Liliana Mason, Stella Rouse, Vadimir Tismaneanu, and Karol Soltan. Though there were many speakers at the event each person had a brief time to speak on the matter at hand and present their own analysis on the election.
In November 2016, Donald Trump was elected president of the United States. With a campaign centered around otherization and nationalism, the atmosphere of this election, as well as the attitudes of the citizens of the country, bears similarities to 1930s Nazi Germany. While it may initially seem far-fetched to compare Donald Trump 's election to Adolf Hitler 's rise to power, both campaigns utilize nationalistic, racist sentiment and a fear of the "foreign other" to gain power within the country. Moreover, both campaigns utilize propaganda and the media in their own way to generate hatred and fear to further their own goals. I will argue that these tactics used by Donald Trump has inspired numerous acts of hatred, and that any person who is not a white male has a reason to fear Trump 's presidency.
Hillary Clinton should have won the election for a variety of reasons. One reason that she should have won was that she is much more qualified as a president. Hillary graduated from Yale law school, worked on the presidential campaigns of three different presidential nominees, was named one of the 100 most powerful lawyers by the National Law Journal, and lastly she served as Senator of New York, and Secretary of State. This supports how Hillary is more qualified because she’s had lot’s of time gaining experience in politics, where she learned all about how our country works and it has prepared her to be a more qualified president. In fact, she has had more time in politics than Melania Trump has been alive!
American presidential election of 2016 was a few weeks ago, many are scratching their heads following the outcome result. Many, including myself are, asking the question who voted to bring Trump into office? No the better question is who did not vote to keep Trump out of the office. This must have been the same feelings and questions people had in the election of 1968 with Nixon, as the options they were left with to choose was not one of which many were enthused about. Richard Milhous Nixon born on January 9, 1913 in Yorba Linda, California. ( Editors, paragraph 2) Donald John Trump, born in June 14, 1946, in Queens, New York. Both were one of five Children of their families. ( Editors, paragraph 2). In both of their of biographies, Nixon attended Duke University and earned a degree in law but Trump attended Wharton School of Finance at the University of Pennsylvania, and graduated with a degree in economics. What lead these two in to politic and clinching the title of the presidency as “Law and Order candidates.
Yet Clinton has his own enough support but Clinton’s experience over the past years at high level politics has really helped her to present herself more mature and suitable American President for the future elections. Both the leaders have their controversies to answer about, but America truly needs a mature, experienced, less controversial, honest and dedicated candidate, for bright, prosper and even great America, in which people are more prosperous, happy and have secured future to worry about.
The 2016 presidential election seemed to be a particularly hectic election. On November 8,2016, I was checking my Facebook newsfeed. As I scrolled through my newsfeed, I see a lot of posts related to the election. People would post opinions on each of the presidential candidates as well as which their predictions of which candidate will win. The newspaper websites provided frequent updates throughout the day to inform people about the progress of the election. That night, I watched tentatively as the ballots were being counted, and I saw people’s comments of shock and disbelief when Trump managed to get ahead of Hillary in terms of electoral college votes.
November 8th 2016 is when our next presidential election will take place. Many of us are wondering who we should vote for, the Democratic Party leader Hillary Clinton or the Republican Party leader Donald Trump. Hillary’s email scandal makes her untrustworthy and Donald Trump’s ignorant nature make it extremely difficult to choose a candidate, to choose between a lesser of two evils. We could vote third party, try to make sure no party gets a majority and hope the electoral colleges votes for that third party, but no third-party candidate has won the presidential election ever, all the way back to the first president George Washington in 1789. It would take many people to make it happen now.
The year is 2020, President Trump’s presidency is coming to an end, but it cannot come sooner to the American people. Trumps years in the Oval Office would have been great if not for his sudden decision to initiate the removal of immigrants during his last months as President. Every major city in the United States is swarming with Immigration and Custom Enforcement agents. Immigrants are being taken right out of the workplace, rounded up, handcuffed and sent back to their home country. As the immigrant population disseminates, hundreds of local businesses across the nation go bankrupt. Boarded up store fronts are now the norm. With the dramatic decrease in the immigrant population almost no one is willing to invest in the infrastructure of towns with low socio-economic statuses. Farms are being left no crop pickers, in a few weeks there will be a shortage of produce across the United States. As people begin to ration, the economy continues to plummet. Every day the immigrant population decreases and everyday more businesses close, more food goes bad because of the lack of crop pickers, and more people begin to realize the importance of the immigrant population. This could soon be our reality, if immigration is not dealt with properly and in accordance with current information.
Clinton won her first election to the U.S. Senate because of her husband, Bill Clinton. She served for an eight-year term in congress and was the Secretary of State for four years. Donald Trump is a business man who has never held a position in an elected office. As said above, Clinton has more experience than Trump. Trump lacks professionalism due to not having any type of experience dealing with politics. Trump was wanting to change how everything was going to run whereas Clinton was not interested in change. She had the idea of moving things towards her liking. In a like manner, Clinton and Trump can set goals and achieve them. But more importantly, containing honesty and being trustworthy are weak points for both
The United States presidential election of 2016 occurred on Tuesday, November 8, 2016. This was the 58th quadrennial U.S. presidential election. Voters elected a new president and vice president through the electoral college. Businessman Donald Trump and Governor Mike Pence, running on the Republican ticket, defeated the Democratic Party 's nominees former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Senator Tim Kaine. The defeat, considered improbable by most pre-election forecasts, was branded by various news organizations as an "upset" and the most "shocking" American presidential election result in history. The results of the presidential election has left many of the American people in an uproar. Many Americans are using their right to freedom of speech to voice their opinions and show their opposition. The first amendment gives people the right to freedom of speech that we all deserve, but since the election has this right been taken a bit too far with all of the violent protests, the social media uproar and the exaggerations by the media?
The current presidential election of the United States sure is a strange one this year. It’s also very historical being that the new president either could be a woman, which would be a first, or a billionaire with seemingly no political knowledge. I’m going to tell you why either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump is best and why.
As the election draws to an end, many people are wondering, who’s going to be our next president? I look forward to the day when I have to ask which president Clinton someone is talking about. While many share a different opinion than me, I believe Hillary Clinton should be president. Neither should be president, but we have to choose one, and Hillary Clinton, in my opinion, is the better choice. I agree with her politics more. Her plan to help reduce climate change, and college tuition costs are amongst some of the things I agree with her about.
Donald’s Trump’s victory in the 2016 election is very complex. The political mishaps that have occurred since JFK’s presidency reshaped the American psyche of who the president should be. This chain of dissatisfaction with the federal government led the American people to hope for a president who is honest, free of corruption, and supportive of the middle class. Trump recognized the American need for a new kind of president and took on a persona that perfectly exemplified this. The Trump Mythology is the belief that Donald Trump is a transparent, honest politician; however, this is only part of the equation. Belief in the Trump Mythology contributed to his victory, but it is also important to acknowledge the respective roles of demographics, voter turnout, and Hillary Clinton’s flaws. An interesting difference between the Kennedy Mythology and the Trump Mythology that is worth noting is the role of the media. Throughout the Kennedy Era, popular media fed the people’s fascination of Kennedy’s Camelot, perpetuating the mythology. Donald Trump, however, was largely hated by popular culture. American media ultimately discounted Donald Trump as a viable contender for the presidency.
Will Donald Trump fulfill America’s request and actually “make America great again”? When friends of mine who are Trump supporters inform me that they support him, I don’t understand the reasons why they picture him as our future president of the united states. Donald Trump has never been an elected official. He has never been elected into an office of any kind. He’s never had to broker political compromise or gave any political speeches prior to him running for president. With no experience in politics at all, why would people think he’d make a good president? Sure, Donald Trump is a barefaced self-promoter and experienced businessman. But people don’t realize all of the mistakes he has made as a businessman. Washington, D.C., is not a type of Wall Street or anything for him to lose money or make some reckless decisions that would put our country into a deeper hole that we are already into, and also getting multiple things done within the nation’s capital takes more than a huge personality and a strong will. If Donald Trump is elected to be our president, he’ll have to quickly learn how to deal with his Democratic associates in the House of Representatives and Senate. He’ll also have to get used to the pace of government because there are moments when things can accelerate pretty quickly and also where things can move extremely slow at times. He’ll also have to get used to giving speeches on topics he may not be interested in, especially when it comes to conversations