The Presidential Election of 2016 is making an impact in, on, and around America. Military and War on Terror is a topic that is based on where the government is sending troops; when they are going; and why they are going to these places. The government has also allowed us to open many prison camps that hold prisoners from places like Iraq, and the Middle East countries. The leaders that are going to have to make these decisions and have our lives in their hands that are coming are either, Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, Jill Stein, or Gary Johnson. Clinton is a democrat. Trump is a Republican. Stein is part of the Green’s Party. Johnson is part of Libertarian’s party. Guantanamo Bay known as “Gitmo” is also known as a naval base but for right now it is also known as a place where they keep muslim militants and suspected terrorists captured by the U.S. forces, from Iraq and Afghanistan. “Guantanamo Bay detention facility on the Guantánamo Bay Naval Base, located on the coast of Guantanamo Bay in southeastern Cuba.” (Nolen) Guantanamo Bay is a dangerous place where people are tortured and punished until they tell the soldiers information that they need. "I have been on record in favor of closing Guantanamo for a long time, since 2008. I think it is a continuing recruitment advertisement for terrorists… There is no reason for us to …show more content…
And, as you know, for years I've been saying, 'Don't go into Iraq.' They went into Iraq. They destabilized the Middle East. It was a big mistake. Okay, now we're there. And you have ISIS. And I said this was going to happen. I said, 'Iran will take over Iraq,' which is happening as sure as you're sitting there. And ISIS is taking over a lot of the oil and certain areas of Iraq. And I said you take away their wealth, that you go and knock the heck out of the oil, take back the oil. We take over the oil, which we should have done in the first place…” (Should the United States Send Ground
Following the 9/11 attacks and the Congressional statement giving President Bush the power to seek out and detain terrorists, the Bush Administration asserted the need for an area of detention for these non-state actors. Certain criteria, however, had to be met to satisfy the administration and overall public safety of American citizens. These criteria include a desolate location out of U.S. Territory as to prevent detainee escapes and allow loopholes in treatment of detainees and length of detention. On the Guantanamo Bay U.S. Naval Base, these criteria were fully met: it is surrounded by water, as to prevent
In recent elections, the image of presidential candidates has become more and more important. With the increase in television popularity the role of the public in presidential elections has grown. It has become more important that American citizens are attracted to a candidate’s personality and image, especially in the most recent election between Clinton and Trump. Where some may say Clinton had sounder political plans and ideas on issues, Trump made up for in appealing to the American demographic with his promise to “make America great again.” With the rise in television popularity, presidential elections have increasingly prioritized images over issues by focusing on the appearance of the candidates in the media, instead of the plans they have for becoming president.
Did you know, as American taxpayers, maintaining the prison at Guantánamo has costed $4.8 billion since it had opened in 2002? Well this al back to “ The Global War on Terror” under the Bush administration that,. response to the 9/11 attacks, targeted middle eastern regions of the world;, collecting men from left to right by heavily armed American soldiers. Unfortunately, some of them are destined to pay for another man’s crime by serving time in Guantanamo Bay. Guantanamo Bay, located within a naval base in Cuba, became a facility purposed to hold alleged enemy combatants and terrorists alike. Because of later documented injustices reported against detainees, it gained negative spotlight by both citizens and world leaders. When Obama succeeded in presidency, closing the facility became one of his priorities for a number of reasons.
Through the social contract theory comes, The Guantanamo Bay. This prison was established in 1898 when the United States took control of Cuba during the Spanish-American War. After September 11, 2001, the government knew that the “war on terror” between the United States and terrorists would not be good. Therefore, they took a new measures. Since early 2002, a part of the prison has imprisoned a small group of detainment camps for the Al Qaeda and the Taliban combatants who were captured by the AMerican military post-9/11 wars in Afghanistan and
In the 2016 election, the two candidates running for President are: Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Many people voting in this year's election are wanting someone different, someone who can get their points across. People are wanting someone who says, and will, make a difference in the world. America is filled with many disagreements and issues, especially on security as in NSA Surveillance; they also have issues on terrorists, and how they interrogate and torture them.
The United States military base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, has been occupied by over 700 Middle Eastern men suspected of terrorism since 2002. It has been home to some of the most heinous suspected terrorist to ever walk on this Earth. What to do with this military base, has been a major source of conflict within our nation and with other nations for over a decade, with no real reasoning substantial enough to close the base. Although our government has come forward and declared that interrogation methods used on some of the detainees has been unethical and has broken some United States laws. But closing Guantanamo Bay is a task that should not be pursued, because it causes more problems to our countries people, our diplomatic and
Based on the table above, we can see that 45.6 percent of Americans who vote for democrats in 2012 presidential election said that they have being contacted by democrats about 2012 campaign, compared to 10.9 percent of Americans who vote for republican in 2012 presidential election and 22.8 Americans who vote for ‘others’ in 2012 presidential election. We also can see that only 12.2 percent of Americans who vote for democrats in 2012 presidential election said that they have being contacted by republicans about 2012 presidential campaign, compared to 45.2 percent of Americans who vote for ‘others’ in 2012 presidential election and 12.8 percent Americans who vote for democrats in 2012 presidential election. While, just 41.9 percent of Americans who vote for democrats in 2012 presidential election said that they have being contacted by both about 2012 campaign, compared to 43.9 percent of Americans who vote for republicans in 2012 presidential election and 64.3 percent of Americans who vote for ‘others’ in 2012 presidential election.
Cuba, only 400 miles from Miami Fl, is an island in the Caribbean and is renowned for its excellent climate. There are beaches for swimming, scuba diving, snorkeling, fishing, and boating opportunities. The island has it’s dark secrets as well, there is Guantanamo Bay, a prison nearby, where the detainee’s right are stripped away and they are beaten daily. Closing Guantanamo Bay has been a big debate over the past few years. President Although what they are doing is technically legal, it is still unconstitutional on U.S. soil. Obama promised us that during his term he would close it. Obama has said that "Keeping this facility open is contrary to our values. It undermines our standing in the world. It is viewed as a stain on our broader record of upholding the highest standards of rule of law." Guantanamo Bay is an embarrassment to our country and has been since it opened. The camp was repeatedly criticized by human rights and humanitarian organizations all around—including Amnesty international, Human Rights Watch, and the International committee of the Red Cross—as well as by the European Union and the Organization of American States(OAS), for alleged human rights violations, including the use of various forms of torture during interrogations. We need to close Guantanamo Bay because it costs a lot of money to keep it open, it is unconstitutional, and we can contain the prisoners in the U.S.
Guantanamo Bay prison camp is a United States military Prison in cuba in which we keep our most lethal and dangerous terrorist at. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld said “ the prison camp was established to detain extraordinarily dangerous people to interrogate detainees in an optimal setting and to prosecute detainees for war” (Rumsfeld, 2002). Also this topic is one of the most where the president of the United States and congress disagree on. The President want to close Guantanamo Bay because he think the prison is unnecessary and expensive and it serve a recruitment tool to American terrorist but congress still isn’t and still won't let him. Congress said the main reason why they don’t want
The results of both the 2004 and 2012 Presidential elections were the same as both incumbents were able to capitalize on the voters being comfortable with them. Additional, since both incumbents had access to national assets, four years of on the job training, and “insider information” they were able to speak in-depth on a wide range of issues both foreign and domestic. In 2004, the largest and most important issue to the nation was the war in Iraqi and in 2012 it was the nation’s economy. Given the incumbents access to firsthand information on the issues at large, they were able to weaken their opponents in the nation’s eyes by dismantling the candidate’s strategies on the issues. History has shown that nations trend to focus more on domestic
Many American’s were surprised with the results of the 2016 Presidential Election. With Clinton predicted to win with more than seventy percent of the votes, so many Americans were upset or troubled to wake up to Donald Trump as their new president-elect. After the results of the election, violence has broken out throughout the country, mainly targeted at minorities. With the country in an uproar, one may think, how does this sort of situation happen? One could blame the media for this lack of information or surprise outcome of the election. The media has changed this election from the way we view our candidates to who we predicted to win through social media, journalistic bias and people’s internal filter.
Presidential elections have and continue to be a time where Americans begin to pay attention to politics a little more in depth, they look into the issues which burden America, and then decide which candidate, in their views would fix and continue to grow the policies and programs which are working to America’s advantage. Presidential elections have and will continue to grow and change, but the past three presidential elections have seen many changes and have been very different just in the course of 12 years. Although a lot has changed there are some major things that have dramatically changed just from election to election such as, campaign strategy and spending, “battleground states” or states which could vote for either candidate, the
Guantanamo Bay, Cuba is originally a naval base that was once used to house detention facilities for Haitian and Cuban refugees fleeing to the United States. It was also used as a refueling station for Navy ships. It was then converted into a high level detention facility to house enemy troops captured in the War on Terror campaign by Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfield. It has three main camps that house the prisoners. These prisoners of war were later referred to as enemy combatants. They were excluded from the prisoner of war statutes of the Geneva Convention because of their involvement in a foreign terrorist organization and therefore earning themselves the title of terrorists. The Guantanamo Bay Detention Center served as the perfect location to send these terrorists. It allowed the United States to strip them of any due process or protection that is provided by US law. Due to its location, being in foreign territory they are only subjected to military law. They are close enough for them to be monitored without interference of intentional agencies or international oversight. Furthermore, the US Government is holding these men without due process because they are deemed too dangerous to be released into the public because of their associations with terrorist organizations and possession of valuable information relating to National Security such as location of key members of a terrorist groups, whereabouts. However, the United States cannot release those
A Presidential Election, determines how the next four years would be. The election is a fight between different political parties, and they fight to win and represent the political beliefs and values of their followers. In the 2016 Presidential Election, there are many candidates who ran for president. There are main two main parties, the Democrat party and the Republican party, there were also many Third-party candidates. Donald Trump the primary candidate for the Republicans ran with no political experiences and won while Hillary Clinton the primary Democrat candidate who was the former sectary of state ran and lost. Not only was there a fight between the different parties, there also was fighting among each other and in individual parties. Many parties had many different views on the issues of today world. They both made many different promises on each issue.
Since the beginning of the Presidential primaries, many unexpected events have occurred, proving that we should expect the unexpected with the upcoming Presidential election. Both democratic candidates, Clinton and Sanders, and also the republican candidates, Trump, Cruz and Kasich, posses many differences amongst each other that can ultimately lead to the difference in demographics among each of the candidates’’ voters and the results that we have seen from the primaries. Ultimately, their difference in opinions on major issues and the difference in their voters will have a large impact on the standing of both the Republican and Democratic parties in the Fall 2016 campaign and beyond.