
Pressure Ulcer Prevalence In Hospitals

Decent Essays

Pressure ulcer prevalence in the hospitals are remains a major problem in healthcare. Any patients can develop pressure ulcers. But there are increased chances of occurrence in the bedsores patients who are seriously ill or unable to move. Intensive care units (ICUs) patients has excessive chances of pressure sores. Several measures have been applied to reduce the incidence of pressure sores. One of the method tried is a Pressure ulcer prevention bundle. And this study is to evaluate the bundle compliance rate, and the effectiveness of implementation strategies with in the ICU. Background of the study Background of study including problem, significance to nursing, purpose, objective, and research questions is thorough with substantial relevant …show more content…

Evidence based practice interventions to implement in the hospital thorough the high level of compliance to the guidelines. Compliance to interventions can improved by training, education, monitor the effect of the implementation, audit and feed- back (Logan et al., 1999). Through compliance to the bundle, the effectiveness of the bundle implementation can be measured. This will help to find the barriers that influence the compliance and increase the connection between the bundle implementation and research outcome. Monitoring compliance to the bundle will reflect the effectiveness of the implementation strategies used, obstacles to implementation and enable real time changes in implementation strategies to ensure effective intervention approval or compliance by clinicians. This study reports the findings which tested the effectiveness of a PU prevention bundle in improving skin integrity in the ICU (Tayyib et al., 2015b). The PU prevention bundle combined the latest international guidelines (available at the time of the study) for PU prevention (European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel and National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel, 2009) with PU prevention strategies related to medical devices (removed for blind review). The main components of the PU prevention bundle were risk assessment, skin assessment, skin …show more content…

Patients who admitted in the general ICU mainly suffer from serious illnesses or injuries. The ICU has around 60 RN’s and 24-bed capacity. Patients care completely provided by RNs. They used snap shot sampling method and the study population was all the RNs from the ICU who met the inclusion criteria. The inclusion criteria were RNs who were present at the first point in the data collection period, who worked one or more shifts during the intervention implementation periods, who provided direct PU prevention care, and who agreed to participate. Data extraction form designed by the research team and data collected on three levels. 1) prevention bundle check list- which is based on pressure ulcer prevention bundle with yes (1) or no (0) questions. The instrument has 30 items and 6 elements of the prevention bundle. The total score for this is 30 and higher score represents higher compliance to the PUPB and vice versa. Second level 2). Self-evaluation by RNs- The tool included 4 elements. RNs’ demographic details, six items addressing RNs perceptions of their compliance to the bundle. First 5 items related to acceptance and satisfaction in general this include education and training. Satisfaction was rated on a four point Likert scale (one strongly disagree to four strongly agree). The percentage of RNs’ compliance to the bundle,

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