
Prevention Of Cancer Research Paper

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Have you ever wondered what cancers were connected to the Chernobyl disaster? Cancer is a serious disease. Cancer pain comes in many different ways when you have cancer. Cancer pain can be managed in a variety of ways. Some cancers can be prevented by different things. Cancer has many causes, and affects people to different degrees. Survival rates have become better over the years.
Cancer pain comes in many different ways when you have cancer. 1/3 people have pain because of cancer. Pain because of cancer comes in different ways. One pain is tissue being destroyed. Most good pain is tumor shrinking. Radiation causes red and irritated skin, and also can cause sleepiness
Cancer pain can be managed in a variety of ways. Over the counter …show more content…

FIltering your tap water helps prevent some cancers. Not drinking too much caffein everyday and not using you cell phone all the time help reduce the risk of getting cancer. Wearing blues and reds while in the sun helps to reduce the chances of getting skin cancer. Getting 15 minutes of sun a day helps reduce the chances. Keeping your bedroom as dark as possible helps also. Getting 15 minutes of walking and exercise a day helps prevent some cancers. Cutting out sugary drinks can help prevent the risk of getting cancer. Siping on a glass of wine or a can of beer a day can help prevent getting some …show more content…

Cancer is the second most leading cause of death. Leukaemia is most common in children fourteen and younger. Five percent of cancer is hereditary. The cases of leukemia have increased years after. Multivitamins are one of many cases of cancer. Because pilots and flight attendants are so close to the sun they have higher risk of skin cancer. One thousand eight hundred kids from the ages of newborn to 14 were diagnosed with cancer after the explosion. The explosion caused leukemia and thyroid cancer.
Survival rates have become better over the years. Thyroid cancer at stage 1 survival rate is near 100%, and so is stage 2. Thyroid cancer stage 3 is near 93%, while stage 4 is 51%. Eleven point one million of the people in the United States of America are cancer survivors, and there are 28 million survivors worldwide. Fourteen point five million people have survived cancer as of 2014. The survival rate quadruples every 5 years. The survival rate of leukemia is 60%-70%. To find the survival rate of leukemia is harder to find than finding the survival rate of

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