
Preventive Border Security

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The federal government should not take steps to tighten border security because immigration benefits the United States economy and promotes the success of businesses.With about one million immigrants entering the US each year, immigration helps the US achieve many goals, creating a healthy, advanced nation. Immigrants are held accountable for trillions of America’s GDP, which is how the United States measures the success of the economy. Immigration is essential to the success of the United States since diversity in society, wealth in the economy, and businesses revolve around immigrants. The federal government should not take steps to tighten border security because immigration benefits the United States economy and promotes the success …show more content…

Many of these factors include food services, manufacturing, and large industries which are parts of the main reason that the United States economy is successful. Immigrants help the economy by contributing in the services. Fo example, “What do Google’s Sergey Brin, eBay’s Pierre Omidyar, and Tesla Motors Elon Musk all have in common? Each of these serial entrepreneurs who founded companies that have market caps in the tens or hundreds of billions–employing tens of thousands of workers–were born outside the U.S. From Yahoo to Facebook and LinkedIn, each of these innovative companies that have played such a large role in the U.S. economy had at least one founder that was born abroad and then emigrated to the United States.(Grace Nasri). Also “According to the small businesses administration immigrants are 30 percent more likely to start a business in the United States than non immigrants and 18 percent of all the businesses owners in the United States are …show more content…

Surveys have proven that immigrants are more essential than a native citizen when it comes to business as “Immigrant men have higher rates of work than native-born men — 82 percent vs. 73 percent” (Camarota). No surprise should come out of the fact that immigrants are more essential than a native when it comes to business as “44% of immigrants come to the US for business and job opportunities” ( Daniels). America revolves around business as a lot of America’s GDP comes from business and if businesses are halted, the United States will fear a collapse of the economy most likely causing a sibling of the Great Depression in the 1930s. Also, immigrants are an only small piece of the U.S population and “Despite accounting for 13 percent of the U.S. population, immigrants represent 22 percent of workers (1.8 million people) in the foodservice industry. In addition, in 2010, 37 percent of all restaurant small-business owners were foreign-born” (Nicholson). As a result of immigration helping maintain business all over the United States, immigration should remain legal and be recognized for the

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