The federal government should not take steps to tighten border security because immigration benefits the United States economy and promotes the success of businesses.With about one million immigrants entering the US each year, immigration helps the US achieve many goals, creating a healthy, advanced nation. Immigrants are held accountable for trillions of America’s GDP, which is how the United States measures the success of the economy. Immigration is essential to the success of the United States since diversity in society, wealth in the economy, and businesses revolve around immigrants. The federal government should not take steps to tighten border security because immigration benefits the United States economy and promotes the success …show more content…
Many of these factors include food services, manufacturing, and large industries which are parts of the main reason that the United States economy is successful. Immigrants help the economy by contributing in the services. Fo example, “What do Google’s Sergey Brin, eBay’s Pierre Omidyar, and Tesla Motors Elon Musk all have in common? Each of these serial entrepreneurs who founded companies that have market caps in the tens or hundreds of billions–employing tens of thousands of workers–were born outside the U.S. From Yahoo to Facebook and LinkedIn, each of these innovative companies that have played such a large role in the U.S. economy had at least one founder that was born abroad and then emigrated to the United States.(Grace Nasri). Also “According to the small businesses administration immigrants are 30 percent more likely to start a business in the United States than non immigrants and 18 percent of all the businesses owners in the United States are …show more content…
Surveys have proven that immigrants are more essential than a native citizen when it comes to business as “Immigrant men have higher rates of work than native-born men — 82 percent vs. 73 percent” (Camarota). No surprise should come out of the fact that immigrants are more essential than a native when it comes to business as “44% of immigrants come to the US for business and job opportunities” ( Daniels). America revolves around business as a lot of America’s GDP comes from business and if businesses are halted, the United States will fear a collapse of the economy most likely causing a sibling of the Great Depression in the 1930s. Also, immigrants are an only small piece of the U.S population and “Despite accounting for 13 percent of the U.S. population, immigrants represent 22 percent of workers (1.8 million people) in the foodservice industry. In addition, in 2010, 37 percent of all restaurant small-business owners were foreign-born” (Nicholson). As a result of immigration helping maintain business all over the United States, immigration should remain legal and be recognized for the
Another reason why the United states should not increase the border security is since the immigrants are most likely to figure a way around it anyways why spend more money than we need to? Think about it in order to increase the border security they will need money to pay for
Immigration has been a burning issue lately, particularly after Donald Trump’s immigration ban in the United States of America. It has been a topic that families discuss every morning with breakfast. Despite many concerns related to immigration, it has several positive benefits that mostly outweighs the negativity. People bizarrely argue when it comes to immigration, but these arguments are primarily based on facts and ideas that are outdated or inconsistent and blindfold the positive aspect related to immigration. Many immigrants in the United States are good workers who don't depend upon any public welfare and mostly help in the overall development of the economy. As a country made by immigrants, we must not forget the fact that immigrants have helped to build cities and create a path of development form Google to iPhones (Gray & Furman, 2012). These facts are secluded, and some related arguments with different content have been repeated for years and continue. Immigrants have a lot to give the United States rather than to take, especially when it comes to economic terms.
The United States of America has the largest foreign-born population in the world. With nearly thirteen percent of the total population being foreign-born, one may find it hard to imagine an immigrant-free country (U.S. Bureau of the Census). Immigration has been an integral part of the United States’ overall success and the country’s economy since it was established and without it, would have never been founded at all. Although there are some negative issues associated with immigration and many native-born Americans believe to be more of a problem than a solution, overall it actually has a positive effect. Immigrants in America, among other things, fill jobs where native-born Americans may not want to work or cannot work, they contribute
border should be secured is because of the amount of violence that occurs on the border and this has to be dealt with. According local, state, and federal statistics, "illegal immigrants are three times as likely to be convicted of murder"(Bandler). When illegal immigrants cross the border they automatically put themselves and American citizens lives in danger. Most of the young illegal immigrants are being recruited by gangs "MS-13 gang has been recruiting young illegals, resulting in higher crime" (Bandler). This has created a spike in violence with and must be dealt with. Also "illegal immigrant youth being responsible for 85 percent of street robberies" (Bandler). Illegal immigrants are crossing the unsecured border and they are being recruited by gangs. These are just a few examples of how illegal immigrants are having a negative effect on America. This has to be stooped. Violence is another reason why the border must be
Economy” published August 12,2014 on the Economic Policy Institute argues the effects that Unauthorized Migrant workers have on the U.S economy and workforce. The author guides his article in a question answer format to answer several questions about the topic. Costa’s purpose in writing the web article was to clear up some misconceptions about fundamental aspects of this topic. He writes this article to the Economic Policy Institute’s audience to answer questions about the effects mexican migrant have on the economy. To supports this he writes, “One way to quantify immigrants’ contribution to the U.S. economy is to look at the wages and salaries they earn, as well as the income of immigrant-owned businesses, as a share of all wages, salaries, and business income in the United States”(Costa). By giving several ways that mexican immigrants have on the economy it gives people a better understanding of the positive and negative effects that they have. Whether those effects are positive or negative they are having an effect.
Our nation, the nation of nations, the greatest nation of all has its flaws. From equality control to the staggering crime rate, many things about this country throw out red flags. Some of the issues, such as the crime and drug problem, may never be diminished. However, some of these issues are easier to solve. One of these issues that are right in front of our eyes as a nation is border control. Through mass deportation, the building of a large wall, and the increase in border patrol officers, the borders of America will be protected once
Immigration boosts the economy of America by improving employment, productivity and income. The accessibility of low skilled immigrants, earning low wages, has allowed American firms to expand and to create new jobs, increasing the production of goods and services, while keeping the prices down. In other words, the drudgery of immigrants manifest in the growth of production and extension of services. America is known as a land of opportunity because people from different countries come here to make their ideas a reality. Growing population of United States is directly proportional to the economic growth. Large population means greater domestic market, more workers, more new ideas which improve productivity, more consumption, increased national savings and enormously larger number of outstanding, highly effective people working to improve the nation’s economy. People often argue that immigrant workers
The discussion on the effects of immigrants on the US economy has two distinct sides. On one side there are those who support allowing immigrants to enter the US just as they have for hundreds of years. They believe that America is a destination for the oppressed and depressed and that its doors should stay open. The other side of the argument has anti-immigration sentiments which result from a perceived impact on the economy. Those who support limiting immigration into America voice
The U.S Customs and Border Security needs to secure the borders and deport Illegals because when they are here illegally, things change because they are not planned for and they increase crime rate. With illegal immigrants here, there will be a misallocation of funds because immigrants will keep getting services not planned for them for example in a California Hospital where healthcare for illegal immigrants’ costs state taxpayers over $1 billion a year and this has caused 84 hospitals around California to close. If illegals have a baby in the US that baby is a US citizen and that can lead to a high birth rate and overpopulation. When the parents come to the US and have their kids brought to the US by coyotes (a person who smuggles Latin Americans across the United States border most times for a very high fee) that endangers the kids because the coyotes often abuse the kids. There is also a problem with high/increased population rate especially in schools and universities and in the long run, this ends up being costly on the Government since some illegals that don't speak English in schools get translators for the students that the Government pays for. Illegal immigration also hurts the U.S. economy because the taxpayers have to pay for the benefits that the illegals get and yet when the illegals get jobs, some of them are taking jobs that could be for American citizens. In an article written by Jon Greenberg, he
Total inhalation of immigration would not be a healthy choice for the United States. However, setting out for stricter laws to become a citizen is in need. There are over 11.7 million illegal immigrants in the United States (poll 2011). Therefore, having restrictions on immigration overall can help the economy grow, security at airports, docs, borders, and on the streets would not only lessen the illegal immigrants around the country, but supply more jobs for Americans. Illegal immigrants not only live in the U.S, but are supplied jobs in which were made for American workers.
An ABC News Poll indicates that most respondents (67%) believe the United States is not doing enough to keep illegal immigrants from coming into the country. That means that the U.S should increase security at its borders as it is evident that the border fence is not enough. Also, the immigration services need to be improved and made more accessible to foreign nationals so that some of them don’t have to illegally enter the
To start off, there should be stronger limits imposed on immigration into America because it will help illegal immigration costs lower. By stronger limits being imposed, it means quelling the amount of immigrants in the country with more security. “California has estimated that the net cost to the state of providing government services to illegal immigrants approached $3 billion during a single fiscal year” (“Is Illegal Immigration. . .”). This is because of the fact that most of these illegal immigrants do not pay taxes, and this affects
The U.S should increase restriction on the current border security system. According to nation reported, that exist a lot of gaps in the nation border of security system to keep people stay away immigrant to the U.S. Hence, that effects to the life of everyone around all states such as lost jobs, lower wage and increased the number of crimes and terrorisms. Last year, more than ten million undocumented aliens reside to the United States; that lead the population in our country increasing 700,000 per year. Within this situation, millions of people lost their
Secondly, Immigrants are very well minded people. Most of America's top companies were founded by immigrants. Such as Dawn, At&t and even Google. “Huff post” reported, “In fact, immigrant-founded fortune 500 companies employed 3.6 million workers around the world in 2011 and were responsible for more than 1.7 trillion in revenues in 2010, according to the partnership for
Today many immigrants have found their way to the United States and many people have ambivalent opinions on whether or not the U.S. should allow any more to enter. Between 2013 and 2014 the number of people in the United States that were foreign born increased by 1 million. Immigrants today help the United States create a mercurial culture and introduce many new ideas. Although these are very positive attributes given by the immigrants; there are also negative ones like, jobs that they take up and compete for with Americans. Unequivocally, job shortage in the U.S. has been a major issue in recent years, partly because of the economy, but also because of migrant workers coming in and competing for those jobs as well. The immigrants that come