
Price Ceiling Bill

Decent Essays

In light of Congress’ passing of the price ceiling bill, there has been a large amount of speculation and fear mongering enforced by the media and opposing views. While the prospect of a price ceiling is rather worrying, we are here to dispel any fears you may have. Yes, in some cases a price ceiling may create a shortage of gasoline in the community, but with where our price shall be set, and with our distribution of resources, we believe this issue can be resolved rather easily and with minimum negative impact. Considering the effects of a price ceiling on the free market, the equilibrium of supply and demand, or the set price decided on the natural process, is altered depending on whether the price ceiling is above or below the equilibrium …show more content…

Beginning with the most prioritized, we will be giving the highest amount of gasoline (compared to other groups) to public transit, to relieve some of the stress of gas shortages to the people. This will dampen some of the harsher results on parents and teenagers, who I’ve allocated minimum gasoline to. When I say parents, I mean parents that transport their children to after-school activities such as soccer or football. We will use public transit to help move the kids to their destinations, similar to school buses. Teenagers will simply have to use public transit as well, as they are the least likely to need gasoline in most situations. The next priority is farmers. Without farmers creating food, people will starve. That’s quite self explanatory. As for transportation of goods, truckers receive a good portion of gasoline as well, however certain products holding low priority may be out of stock for a short amount of time, or longer depending on issues. Public safety will receive enough gas to continue enforcing laws and saving lives, as well as performing duties like …show more content…

High-priority workers and commuters still get a portion of gas sufficient to sustain needs, and finally, long distance drivers, I.E travelers, will get no privileges over other citizens. Reading this may be disheartening to most, but I assure you that this is in a state of severe shortages, and as I mentioned before, our price ceiling will much further above the equilibrium line, therefore the chances of that being an issue are rather low. So to be clear on this, our price will be set at $2.80 maximum per gallon. That way, the free market can continue to function, and will relieve a lot of stress on the average consumer’s wallet in reference to buying gasoline. And with the price of oil continuously declining, and 60-90 years of fuel reserves at the current rate of consumption, gas prices shouldn’t ever peak above that with reasonable pricing in mind. While a price ceiling is an anti-capitalist prospect, it certainly shouldn’t mean it’s a negative enforcement. The Department of Energy will continue to serve in the best interest of both consumers and

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