
Pride In Julius Caesar

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In this play Julius Caesar shows his theme as the best is pride. He is very prideful and thinks he is better then life it self and better then anyone and everyone. Caesar is unashamed of his arrogance. He doesn't see his condescension as arrogance; instead it's a quality he has earned by proving himself a powerful man. ¨Caesar shall forth. The things that threatened me.Ne'er looked but on my back. When they shall see,The face of Caesar, they are vanished. (2.2.10-12)¨ Caesar is shockingly cocky. Even if he just talks a good game, it's hard to be sympathetic toward him. During Caesar's famous "I'm the brightest star in the sky" speech, he claims to be the most "constant" (steady) guy in the universe because he can't be swayed by the personal

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