According to Merriam-Webster pride is a “feeling of being worthwhile”, but every action has an equal and opposite reaction, and that opposite reaction is having too much pride. The quote “Pride is a wonderful, terrible thing”, means that pride is a two-sided emotion, it can help you or it can hurt you. This can be seen clearly in two examples, in soccer and the Olympics. Pride is wonderful in soccer. From my experiences with pride in soccer, it gave me confidence to give it my all and support my team. During tournaments being on a team that is relying on every member to do their best, makes me work harder because I feel a sense of pride for being a part of it.
Pride is a terrible thing in soccer. Having pride in soccer can also cause
Pride is a feeling or deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own achievements, the achievements of those with whom one is closely associated, or from qualities or possessions that are widely admired. However, for James Horst, author of the Scarlet Ibis, he focused on this subject through point of view, symbolism, and conflict.
Is having pride a bad thing? Although pride brings joy to some and may seem like happiness, it can also be a curse just like in “The Scarlet Ibis” by James Hurst. Doodle's brother was guilty for his death. Brother wanted Doodle to be like the normal children. Brother didn't accept Doodle for who he was. Brother let his pride get to him and for that he was guilty of Doodle's death.
Pride is an attractive trait to possess. Acknowledging the other point of view of ways pride could be an unattractive quality to possess. Too much pride can damage others and even yourself. In the short story “The Scarlet Ibis,” the narrator stated, “Let’s go Doodle, he didn’t answer… he fell backward onto the earth, he was bleeding from his mouth to his neck (pg 176).” Doodle was scared and frightened of what his brother would do.
Pride is a characteristic of having a high opinion of one’s self. An example of a prideful action is when Odysseus and his crew are escaping from the Cyclop, and he pauses to yell: “Cyclops, if any mortal ask who blinded you, tell him that Odysseus, raider of cities, is to blame”(Homer 85). In this scene, Odysseus stops his whole crew to get credit for blinding the Cyclop. Odysseus has such a high opinion of himself that he feels the urge announce his achievements. This excessive satisfaction in his achievement is the definition of pride, consequently meaning pride motivated Odysseus’s actions.
In the short story, “The Scarlet Ibis,” the author, James Hurst, uses the words, “a wonderful, terrible thing” to describe pride. The narrator learns that while pride motivates people to move past their limitations to do fascinating things, pride can also lead them to do horrible actions, or worse. Pride is a positive emotion that humans feel when they achieve a goal or accomplish a difficult task, or in other words, pride represents one’s dignity.
What is pride? The Oxford Dictionary says that pride is, “A feeling or deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own achievements, the achievements of those with whom one is closely associated, or from qualities or possessions that are widely admired.” Pride can consume people and change them for the worst. Pride leads to destruction when used against others. Being prideful is a good characteristic to have, but there comes a point when being ¨prideful¨ turns into being shameful for someone else.
What is pride? Is it the quality or state of being proud? According to it could also be a feeling of pleasure and satisfaction that you get when you experience something special. There can be many different meanings of pride. Pride can be the allegiance towards a certain group or club, the pride one gives towards its own country, or even the pride that someone has internally within themselves could be another way to look at the definition of pride. Pride can be interpreted in more ways than one; it just depends on the way the word is being used.
Any great accomplishment can make someone feel proud about their work. It makes one feel good; it raises a person's spirits. "No question, pride has its good points." (The Toronto Star, Nov 1999) Then again, there are also the bad points of pride one must consider, before being proud. Pride can deceive a person into being ambitious, and make them strive for something that is not rightfully theirs. Both Macbeth and Willy encountered this problem. Pride can also cause a bad relationship with the people one loves most. For Macbeth and Willy, their relationships with their families were burdened as a consequence of this pride. Pride can lead to much worse things; it can put a person in a
Pride generally means the pleasure or a feeling of deep satisfaction that we get because of our achievements or our skills or some kind of rare quality that we possess. Often times, having pride is considered unhealthy for an individual as it is believed that having pride can lead to internal blindness and finally downfall. This is evitable from “The Tragedy of Macbeth”, by William Shakespeare. Although, we can’t neglect a fact that everything has two sides, a bad one and a good one, just like a two sided coin.
Pride can motivate a person to reach personal goals. For example, in the short story The Scarlet Ibis, the Narrator said, “They didn't know I did it for myself… and that Doodle only walked because I was ashamed of having a crippled brother”(173). They Narrator pushed and pushed Doodle, not stopping until he got the results he wanted: Doodle walking. Another way that pride can be an attractive quality is the way pride can drive a person to help others. For instance in the short story the Narrator said, “finally one day after many weeks of practicing he stood alone for a few seconds, I grabbed him in my arms and hugged him, our laughter peeling through the swamp like a ringing bell”(176).
Pride, which becomes a major life lesson that is being taught throughout this book, concludes that pride it self is a life changing characteristic that one may chose to attain. In attaining pride one may seem arrogant or stubborn or one may chose to toss the pride aspect of life aside, yet seem somewhat less respectable. This book entails that pride should be taken into serious consideration since it has a major impact in everyday
According to the theologians, pride is the worst of the seven deadly sins. therefore having pride in what you do is all about motivation. Getting motivated and doing something you love to achieve full potential is in a human nature. Scientifically spoke, it all begins from the bunch of chemicals that is happening in your brain. While all animals produce basic emotions like fear and anger, humans have highly developed social emotions, such as shame, guilt and pride which involve an awareness of what other people think and feel about us. The serotonin is the chemical that produces happiness in your brain.
Most people have these feelings or opinions without even realising it. Pride is a feeling of satisfaction that you have done well, however, it can also mean that you feel better than others. Pride can be linked to vanity, which can be described as a feeling of excessive pride regarding aspects of yourself, for example, your looks or abilities.
The word pride in itself isn’t an important word but it’s meaning implies many things. There are several different definitions for pride. Pride can be referred to as a type of plant, a form of body ornamentation, or even a group of lions. The most commonly used definition of pride is being proud, or having a feeling of great accomplishment and feeling self-satisfaction. The word pride both positive and negative meanings that can be seen throughout history.
In essence, having too much pride will hurt people and cause many conflicts. The roots of pride are the most powerful and harmful and can lead to all of the other deadly sins. Proud people tend to neglect other people’s success and they do not want anyone to be better than