Humans have an insatiable desire to be unsurpassed by all of their peers and when they are the best they begin to take pride in that fact. Pride itself is not always malicious, for example people are allowed to have pride when they have accomplished an arduous task; however, when someone becomes obsessed with their pride and it changes them, it becomes a vice. Pride is not necessarily immoral; however, when humans cling to it and are willing to put other people down for the sake of their own pride, it becomes evil. As I said pride is not always evil; however, during freshman year I fell victim to the vice of pride. I was taking a class freshman year called Principles of Biomedical Science and I excelled in this field. I always received
Any great accomplishment can make someone feel proud about their work. It makes one feel good; it raises a person's spirits. "No question, pride has its good points." (The Toronto Star, Nov 1999) Then again, there are also the bad points of pride one must consider, before being proud. Pride can deceive a person into being ambitious, and make them strive for something that is not rightfully theirs. Both Macbeth and Willy encountered this problem. Pride can also cause a bad relationship with the people one loves most. For Macbeth and Willy, their relationships with their families were burdened as a consequence of this pride. Pride can lead to much worse things; it can put a person in a
Even though pride can be a good thing at times, it is hurtful, it is an emotion that can make or break someone.
Pride, an extremely important concept in many cultures that inspires humility and obedience, is nearly universally known as one of the worst character traits a person can have as it is thought to be the cause of all sins. Self-centeredness on the other hand, commonly represented as simply working for oneself, is actually just a quality in all human lives that results from the simple fact that people can only experience the world from their own viewpoints. Although pride seems to be the cause of jealousy of others, in reality, pride is an overvalue of one’s own accomplishments that only slightly affects one’s view of others, whereas self-centeredness is the natural state of individuality that stifles the amount of empathy that one can feel for
This is often seen in literature. There are several short stories that discuss the topic of excessive pride. Many authors have conveyed the themes that excessive pride is self-destructive, can change your life, and will come back to haunt you. In the short story, “The Cask of the Amontillado,” Edgar Allan Poe conveys how excessive pride is self-destroying.
Pride can lead someone to do terrible things. “It was bad enough having an invalid brother but having one who possibly was not all there was unbearable, so I began to make plans to kill him, by smothering him with a pillow” (Hurst 172). This quote proves pride can cause a person to do terrible things as the older brother plotting to kill his younger disabled brother. As having good pride is better than having bad pride and it leads you to good things and have a better relationship with people. Sadly, having bad pride can
Pride is defined as deep satisfaction in one's own personal achievements. So is it a shameful trait or a necessary one? In Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe, “Dracula Untold” directed by Gary Shore, and Oedipus the King by Sophocles we observed tragic heroes whose tragic flaws consisted of hubris. Pride is an important trait because it can be a trait that defines a character. Pride is an essential human trait that we must have in order to
Pride is a simple word that everyone feels they know the meaning to, but is often hard to describe. If a group of people was asked to define pride, many different answers would emerge. Some may give an example of pride in order to define it, and some may use the common phrase of “being proud of something” as the definition. But, what one person may take pride in could be considered as a normal or natural thing to another. Additionally, while pride has a positive connotation to most, some consider pride (or too much pride) a bad thing. Ultimately, pride encompasses self respect, satisfaction in doing what is right individually or within a team, and having a sense of accomplishment.
Pride is a major concept in British Literature. This human emotion is used in a variety of literary works throughout British Literature. There is a certain conflict that can be seen in the written works. Pagan culture views pride an important characteristic while Christianity sees pride as a deadly sin. Having pride is strongly against Christian beliefs, which can be seen in British Literature but it can also be seen that the characters in the different works have a strong sense of pride.
People will be proud of many things such as: owning a home or graduating college because they knew it was going to be hard but they persevered. Although pride could be a good thing, there are also many definitions of pride as it states in article 1, John Amodeo Ph.D., MFT “Why Pride Is Nothing to Be Proud Of”, “A feeling that you are more important or better than other people and inordinate self-esteem.” So many people will be so prideful that they won’t ask for help or admit that they were wrong. Pride could have a huge ego inflation that causes overconfidence and arrogance. They could be so full of themselves that it will be hard to admit you were wrong because they were so desired to be right.
Pride is felt or expressed on a continuum, so it can manifest in various ways. It can be a healthy way to feel about personal achievements, connections to a social group, or a display of arrogance and boastfulness. Personally, no sort of pride is a familiar feeling, especially not the latter.
The noose of pride wraps around every human being’s neck. Pride strips us of ability to breathe, to struggle, and do anything to give up and succumb to our death. In the myth, the maiden Arachne challenged Athene. Arachne’s despair after failing proves that no one can let go of pride, and it’s even harder to make let go of us.
Pride makes you want to jump off a cliff into a kiddie pool to make oneself feel complete. It can differ from one individual to another. A parent will be filled with pride when their child graduates from college; when a boy or girl goes hunting and kills their first deer.
Pride was believed to be “a high or overweening opinion of one’s own qualities, attainments, or estate, which gives rise to a feeling and attitude of superiority over and contempt for others” (OED 2). This usage of the word pride gives it a negative cynical connotation, describing people as vain, arrogant or belittling other people. An example of this could be when someone famous thanks “all the little people” as seen as in movies and TV as a joke. They are suggesting that they are bigger or greater than others. Pride is not a negative trait to have if it doesn’t get the best of you.
In conclusion pride can be a terrible quality to possess. Pride can over-do many things and cause pain for others. can be a wonderful quality to have. Pride can achieve an individual's goals. ‘“Mama,” He smiled. “He’s all there!” “He’s all there!”’ (Hurst 173). Pride can inspire a person to accomplish his/her objective. ‘“Finally one day after many weeks of practicing he stood alone for a few seconds. When he fell, I grabbed him in my arms and hugged him. Our laughter peeling through the swamp like a ringing bell,”’ (Hurst 172). This quote proves my claim because when you have pride it makes you help others succeed. Consequently, pride is an attractive quality to possess because, too much pride can hurt others, causes arrogance and too much personal pride can cause self destruction. One example is, “Once I had succeeded in teaching Doodle to walk I began to believe in my own infallibility and I prepared a terrific development program for him,” (Herst 173). This proves my claim because the narrator of the story had a program for his disabled brother, Doodle wasn't able to do things like a normal person.
Pride is an emotion that could lead to destruction. In the story “The Tusk of Wusterim,” the empire experienced just that. Its people, such as Lord Viceroy and Mister Gurati, believed that their empire was the ultimate power. They claimed others’ land, enslaved the people, and built a giant tusk. But, the tusk was not built to serve as a defense line; it was built to serve as a monument of the empire’s strength and sovereignty. Their big delusional belief soon caused them their destruction. The people they enslaved rose up and brought the tusk and the empire’s power down to the ground in the span of one night. Putting so much faith in such secular and earthly idea called strength and absolute power will eventually lead to their own destruction.