
Primary Care

Decent Essays

The Primary Care Clinic Dana E. Wilson Prof. Terese Cole HSA 300 Health Service Organization Management October 29, 2013 Our healthcare facility provides primary and comprehensive care for patients that include women, men and young adults in a metro area that has a population of over 200,000 people. We also have expanded our practice to offer specialized care in Obstetrics and Gynecological services. We have multiple locations in the area in order to provide services and to make it convenient for those that are less fortunate and may not have transportation and has to rely on public transportation. Our practice was formed on the basis that our citizen’s healthcare was not being met …show more content…

We are especially proud of our team of 6 which consists of our original husband and wife team and I, the office manager that supports and guides our mothers through their pregnancy and eventually delivering a healthy baby. We have built a wall that houses all the pictures of our babies that have been delivered by our staff. We are now 69 employees strong that provides 9 different clinical professions and 12 other skills. Our Organization tries on a daily basis to manage the performance of each associate, team and process and even of the organization itself. We measure our employees by evaluating performance with performance appraisals and rewarding associates that go above and beyond the call of duty each and every day by providing excellent customer service to our patients. Our practice prides itself on our teamwork in that it takes a team to make an organization work. We certainly have conflicts come up and recognize those immediately and work diligently to rectify the conflict as soon as possible. Our reward for the organization is a once a year trip that the practice takes as a whole with each employee’s significant other in attendance. We feel that family is extremely important and our employee’s family support makes for a healthy and happy employee. We also pride ourselves to nominate and vote on our employee of the month which is then given a parking space stating that fact along with a gift certificate to their favorite restaurant. We

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