
Primary Care Physicians Scenarios

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Healthcare is an evolving system in the United States; constantly changing as a result of regulations like the Affordable Care Act or because of the large financial burden healthcare presents to many individuals. The system is moving from a fee-for-service system to one that holds healthcare organizations accountable for the health outcomes of the individuals it serves. Certainly for the consumer, these changes are beneficial, but for a healthcare organization, it can be like navigating a mine field, and for a new organization, there are numerous challenges. This paper will discuss the implications of opening a primary care physicians group in the outer belt of Washington, D.C. The focus will be on office configuration, scheduling …show more content…

Typically this insurance is characterized with low monthly costs, but more than likely a high deductible plan that will lead this group to be more conscious about overall healthcare costs; the opposite of those participating in a rich Medicare benefit plan. In addition, these groups will most likely be cared for, or making healthcare decisions for at least one individual in the baby boomer cohort; therefore, their need for healthcare goes beyond their personal needs. Not only are the individual healthcare needs of each generation significantly different, but so too are the ways they participate in healthcare. According to Berkowitz (2011), the baby boomers take direction from physicians regarding care and medication, whereas, the other generations tend to ask more questions regarding their care, and may forgo care if they determine the cost is more than their perceived benefit. For the physicians group, embracing the differences each generation presents will be key to the long term survival of the

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