I agree with your idea that role models and the opportunity for fellowships play a role in specialty choice as well. I am not going into primary care, however throughout my family medicine clerkship I definitely have considered changing my mind based upon the role models I have had and the broadness of the field. Primary care truly can take you anywhere which is attractive to people who have anxiety about being stuck in one field for the rest of their life. I am already working on my second career because my first one did not offer me enough diversity; I most certainly do not want to have to switch careers a third time. That in itself is more anxiety provoking for me than my student loan debt. Though I do not believe primary care is the
The five most important characteristics for a healthcare provider is honesty, patience, empathy, responsibility, and a team player. I picked honesty because for me honesty is important because if I was the patient I would like for the nurses and doctors be completely honest with me. To be honest you have trustful. Patients should be able to always have faith in you. You always have to be honest with the patients no matter what. Honesty has a lot to do with the healthcare industry.
Recently while working at MedRite Urgent Care in New York City I was awarded the role of head medical assistant. In this role I am in charge of making sure the other medical assistants are doing their jobs properly, become aware of new protocols, make sure the rooms are properly stocked with supplies, and assist in training the new staff as they join our team. I have learned from this role that it is important to not only lead my staff, but also be a part of their team because when we work together we can provide more efficient medical care. The staff feels comfortable coming to me with questions and I am always encouraging them to share any suggestions they have about improving our system. Since taking on the position I have created expectations
Primary Care on-call LABS were previously staffed on a volunteer basis by four Primary Care Providers (PCPs) from February 2015 to February 2016. This prior arrangement for LAB call coverage ended March 5, 2016. Primary Care Admin greatly appreciated the coverage and support for our veterans over the past 12 months.
I was not the least bit surprised at how many case studies there were on the AHRQ (Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality) website on funding of health information technology. I really believe that this technology is the future for health care, there are many benefits to this change. The case study that stood out the most to me while I did my research on the AHRQ website was titled “Primary Care Leader Benefits From AHRQ-Seeded Health Information Exchange” this article stood out to me at first glance. As I said before health information technology is the future of health care if all organizations can get the funding they can all reap the benefits that
It brings me great pleasure to be considered a National Honor Society candidate. NHS is a highly regarded student activity to be involved in. It is in this group that the most passionate students reveal their dedication to everything. Selected students demonstrate a variety of outstanding qualities. Members of NHS are actively responsible scholars, reliable leaders, and devoted characters. Being selected as a member of NHS would give me further opportunities to extend my role as a student. It would also allow me to expand my ideas and make them permanent. I would like to be member to dedicate myself in school and in the community.
Aside from the obvious benefits to hospitals and other medical facilities, the career flexibility can be very rewarding to the PAs themselves. Some specialties such as surgery and emergency medicine maybe considered having more stressful situations than dermatology or orthopedics. Should a PA find themselves where they no longer want to be in such stressful situations, they would feel more comfortable in knowing that switching specialties is a much more realistic option when compared to physicians and nurse
Many years ago I chose my studies to begin a career in the medical field. My original goal was to become a Pediatrician. However, at the end of my bachelor’s degree and after many hours spent volunteering at Miami Children’s Hospital, I decided that I wanted a career that would give me more patient provider interaction. I spoke with several doctors, nurses, and other health care providers and decided the best career for me was a Nurse Practitioner. I still have not decided on a specialty but I feel that path will come naturally with
They are not replacements for individual role descriptions or individual/job specific objectives and are not an exhaustive/minimum list of requirements at a grade.
One of the cool parts of the medical field is the diversity. There are so many different choices and careers a person can branch off into. Take a look at the nursing field alone. There are so many specialties within nursing to take. It's really interesting to see how a person can easily customize their medical career to their personality and personal goals.
Throughout the years public health efforts evolved to meet health care needs of populations. Despite those advances, the United States continues to have high morbidity rates of chronic illness. In addition, many Americans are suffering from mental health disorders. The issue caused many research studies to focus on integrating behavioral health and primary care in order to reduce health disparities in the nation. This paper analyzes how the integration of behavioral health in primary care facilities help serve the need of our population.
It would seem that even physician see the primary care provider role as one that is becoming undesirable according to a study by the University of Arizona. They asked both doctors and nurse practitioners if they would recommend student become nurse practitioners or primary care physicians and found,” both doctors and nurse practitioners are more likely to recommend students become nurse practitioners than primary care physicians. The need for primary care clinicians is increasing as the population in the U.S. grows older and health care becomes more extensive. These findings could be impactful as doctors and nurse practitioners offer similar services when acting as primary care clinicians (University of Arizona College of Nursing, 2015).”
My social care will include social supports: Includes a minimum of 3 people (1 at work) who will be helpful if contacted (Glen, Kathy, Cecil), in addition to knowledge of other community supports (work’s employee assistance program, local support group. Social Activism: involvement in local issues or social wellness projects. I will also look into my local volunteer programs and join one to be a part of.
I made the decision to join the health care field based on my own desire, love of the people that live and thrive around me, and to be a role model for my daughter. I feel it is important to have a goal in life, and it is important to me to show my daughter the value of goals, and achieving them as well. I love meeting new people, and being able to lend a helping hand in any way I possibly can. What better way to help the general population then to have a profession in the health care industry.
Primary care and Primary Health Care(PHC) are two terms that appear synonyms and are both used interchangeably, however, both terms contain slightly different meaning. According to Muddon, Hogg, Levitt (2006), Primary Health Care is based on the WHO definition which defines PHC as “an essential part of the health care based on practically, socially acceptable methods and technology that is made universally accessible to anyone in a community, through the full cost of the community and country can afford”. In other words, PHC is usually the first contact of care for the patient, and what it does is to bring care close to the community. PHC focuses on the broader social determinants of health, offers a broader concept, and is more focused on community based programs. According to the Ottawa website, Primary care is defined “as narrow concept of “family doctor-type” services delivered to individual patients, but it can also apply to all first-contact care, including emergency room visits”. In order words, primary care involves services provided to the patient directly for new or old needs, which involves accessibility of care. Furthermore, primary care ensures that there is a continuity of care as the patient’s moves from different providers, such as secondary providers. Primary care is an element within primary health care that focuses on the promotion of health, and primary care is the representation of clinical care of primary health care. Although both terms are used
For my clinical experience, I hope to spend the majority of my time with a primary care physician. I have one in mind that I feel is excellent at what he does, and I know that he enjoys teaching others. I would like to split the rest of my time between geriatric, pediatric, and women’s health practitioners. I have individuals in mind for each specialty. The majority of these professionals work in offices. I do have an internal medicine nurse practitioner that works both. I feel that would be fascinating, as well. However, until I understand more about what is required, I am not committed to working with all of these specialties.