Anthony Gonzalez
His 127-95
Primary Source Analysis Essay For most of human existence religion has been a key ideology that has this sort of power to bring individuals together and give them a sense of belonging. But during our same Human history it has shown us that we will go through great lengths to prove that we are right about about our beliefs against others beliefs and will be willing to do anything to prove it. The crusades was a hateful and terrible part of our human history that shows the worst that humanity can be. Because of this time period in our history thousands of lives were loss for false causes that tricked and used people through their faith to fight each other for multiple centuries for
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In the beginning stages of the crusade there are accounts of the crusaders brutality killing and slaughtering people who had no way of protecting themselves. Also crusaders going to royal buildings to massacre Jews. Those in chambers seeing how high priests were killed led them to suicide. “There was a distinguished,pious women there who slaughtered herself in sanctification of god 's name (Eidelberg 407) .” This was something that became very common in Jewish culture during the era because of all the Jewish attacks being launched against them. The belief in their faith was so strong that there was such a strong willingness to die for it almost as a honor. No amount of violence would make them change their faith that way to save the trouble of violence Jewish people would just take their own life 's. The relationships between Muslims and Franks were not any better as the time period between the two groups have been known as a very bloody and disastrous clash between two very different societies. The many wars fought in the name of faith between the two groups have undoubtedly had the most impact on how their relationship developed through their respective histories. It was a long history of hatred that has never ended since the start of the first Crusade. But from the Franks there was more hatred being one of the main reason Muslims forces were not able to win the first crusade. During seize and attack being conducted by the franks thousands
The Crusades were an unpleasant event that happened for many reasons. It was established in 1096 and thankfully ended in 1291. The cause for why the Crusades had a more negative result is because most people died from participating or majorly hurt. This is because Document 6 states “The city was savagely taken with many lives lost” meaning that people had died. So, the continued fighting that took place because of the Crusades had a huge negative impact on the many people that lost their lives. In addition, Document 1 states “In Europe, crusaders sometimes turned their fury against Jews, massacring entire communities.” Which meant that full families including children were slaughtered, killed and destroyed because the crusaders were mad at
Three of the world’s most powerful religions had gone to war during the Crusades, the same war that is responsible for an estimated 1.7 million deaths. The Crusades were a series of Christian military expeditions that lasted through nine Holy Wars. The first crusade, in 1095, was called upon by Pope Urban II in an attempt to stop the Muslim expansion to the Holy City of Jerusalem. Through this, the Christian, Catholic, and Muslim churches will go into a time of warfare as an attempt to both show their religious superiority and have a religious expansion. The western side of Europe was the most significantly impacted by the Crusades because of the 4th Crusade, the foreign influence from the East, and Europe’s economic relations with the world.
Document 1 states that “...both Christian and Muslims committed appalling atrocities in the name of religion...crusaders sometimes turned their fury against Jews, massacring entire communities.”This is (important/interesting/relevant) No side are innocent bystanders as both Muslims and Christians created appalling crimes. With the example given that the Crusaders murdered Jews for the reason of anger as hate flew towards them from all sides of the battlefield.
The crusades did nothing but leave religious hate. Document 1 states that “They also left a bitter legacy of religious hatred behind them. In the Middle East, both Christians and Muslims committed appalling atrocities in the name of religion. In Europe, crusaders sometimes turned their fury against Jews, massacring entire communities.
In the “Impact of the Crusades DBQ” essay it explains how the results of the Crusades were more negative than positive. Document 1 states that “They also left bitter legacy of religious hatred behind them.” This is relevant because
The Crusades were caused primarily by religious devotions because of how members united. According to Document 2 “ all these members of Christ, so different in speech, origin, and nationality.” This
Another moment that has not gone well in the name of faith was the crusades, one of the most major events of religious commitments gone skewed. Many religions preach the core of authentic faith is “oriented toward peace, love and respect for others come to be twisted by temptations toward greed, hatred, and distrust of the alien (Massaro pg 24).” This quote is all too familiar with American citizens with the
Many of the ancient and historical conflicts are believed to be connected to religion in a various ways and proven that religion can be used as an excuse for violence. For instance, The Crusade Wars ended in the brutality of both Christians and Muslims during the mass dispute (Burton 1984). The Jews have perpetrated massacres through nations for the solitary reason to attain their belief. During the reformation of Christians thousands of people were killed because of their religion. In Yugoslavia, the war in 1991 pitted Orthodox Christians, Muslims, and Catholics against each other in a brutal combat (Avalos 2005). Also, thousands of monks were being persecuted in Burma
In 1536, John Calvin was a French lawyer and theologian who lived in Geneva, Switzerland. He published a book titled Institutes of the Christian Religion. Originally published his work in Latin but subsequently translated into different European languages. The Institutes outlined Calvin’s basic philosophies on “predestination” as a precondition for salvation. Calvin, like many Christian reformers during the Reformation, was most fascinated in discovering the true way to heaven. As he fought to comprehend the word of God, Calvin came to a logical spat regarding salvation. By Calvin’s ideas, since God was
Religion creates division between humans because of the historical values and stories that are pasted down throughout the centuries yet many of the stories have very similar backgrounds. This division begins with the teachings of the religion to its followers and the degree to which they implement the teachings into their own lives. Humans have a distinct internal drive to be on top and in the best groups.
Religion has played a big part of history around the world. Through religion we have learned so much about different cultures, beliefs and Traditions. Some of the religions that we discover in history are still dominate religions until this day. The Christianity and Islam Religion are two of the most practiced religions around the world today. From Christianity and Islam you get Christians and Muslims. The Christians and Muslims during the Crusades have similar and not so similar views on personal virtues and religious practices.
Another aspect that contributes to the statement that the crusades were not motivated by religious factors is that the crusaders wanted more land. Many Crusaders wanted to govern their own piece of land in a new area, so they decided to fight being guaranteed a piece of land; in this era land equaled money, the more land you had, the wealthier you were—religion didn’t get you very far. By having a new plot of land, in a new area the Crusaders would be able to rise above their social status and experience a newfound wealth that would be next to impossible back in their homeland. Through this, we can see the prime motivation of the Western European’s commencement of the crusades was their aspiration for land. Even Pope Urban II, an example and leader for all the people, wanted to fight just to get the Holy Land back. So if the prime example for the people, a leader that everyone looked up to was demonstrating greed and voracity then it would only be natural for his people to follow. Not only did Pope Urban II and officials express tremendous amounts of self-indulgence, but they very well knew what was going on beforehand; the selection mentions that they worked to “prepare” the people for a crusade by changing conditions within their society and economy. The changing of economic aspects portray that the Crusaders were unhappy with their current state of wealth and the easiest way to fix that was to
This worksheet is for analyzing primary sources, which for the purpose of this project are popular culture media: texts created for a mass audience with some commercial component, either through sales, subscription, or advertising revenue: advertisements, videos, television shows, news articles or programs, popular music, etc.
One reason why the Crusades were more negative than positive was because they worsen their own relationship with the Jews and Muslims, or religious hatred, even tho they were bad anyways. Document 5 states that ”First, the long struggle between Islam and Christendom and the example of persecution set by Christian kings and prelates (bishops) left an inheritance of deep bitterness; relations between Muslims and their Christian and Jewish subjects worsened.” (description of some of the effects of the Crusades).This is (important/interesting/relevant) because even if the Christian and Muslims relationship was bad already the Crusades made it worse by the bitterness left and even the Jews now are in it because when the Crusades lost, they took their fury against the Jews and would slaughter and destroy their cities even though the lost against the Muslims. Document 10 states that “...which one of the Franks
Crusades were in part an outlet for an intense religious piety