
Primary Source Analysis Essay - Primary Sources Analysis

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Anthony Gonzalez
His 127-95

Primary Source Analysis Essay For most of human existence religion has been a key ideology that has this sort of power to bring individuals together and give them a sense of belonging. But during our same Human history it has shown us that we will go through great lengths to prove that we are right about about our beliefs against others beliefs and will be willing to do anything to prove it. The crusades was a hateful and terrible part of our human history that shows the worst that humanity can be. Because of this time period in our history thousands of lives were loss for false causes that tricked and used people through their faith to fight each other for multiple centuries for …show more content…

In the beginning stages of the crusade there are accounts of the crusaders brutality killing and slaughtering people who had no way of protecting themselves. Also crusaders going to royal buildings to massacre Jews. Those in chambers seeing how high priests were killed led them to suicide. “There was a distinguished,pious women there who slaughtered herself in sanctification of god 's name (Eidelberg 407) .” This was something that became very common in Jewish culture during the era because of all the Jewish attacks being launched against them. The belief in their faith was so strong that there was such a strong willingness to die for it almost as a honor. No amount of violence would make them change their faith that way to save the trouble of violence Jewish people would just take their own life 's. The relationships between Muslims and Franks were not any better as the time period between the two groups have been known as a very bloody and disastrous clash between two very different societies. The many wars fought in the name of faith between the two groups have undoubtedly had the most impact on how their relationship developed through their respective histories. It was a long history of hatred that has never ended since the start of the first Crusade. But from the Franks there was more hatred being one of the main reason Muslims forces were not able to win the first crusade. During seize and attack being conducted by the franks thousands

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