The instructional setting includes three eleventh grade United States History Honors classes in a large urban high-income region of Clark County School District in Nevada. The student body count for the current school year, 2014-2015, was 3,021 121 of which were enrolled in the focus classes. 28% of this population is receiving free or reduced lunch. Of the 3,021, the majority of students are Caucasian, making up 52%, with another 21% identified as being Hispanic, and 13% as African American. Class sizes range from thirty-five to forty-three students. As the focus group is an Honors level setting there are typically no at-risk or special-needs students present. The classroom is organized, well lit, equipped with forty-three individual …show more content…
All learners are presently enrolled in honors level reading or English courses in addition to the focus social studies courses. Students must also be familiar with concepts such as main idea, summarizing, outlining, cause and effect, historical time flow, and generalizations.
Prior Knowledge of Topic
All learners are students who have been educated at the honors or accelerated level for two or more years. Each student is aware and knowledgeable of the subject and expectations required of classes such as this one. Primary source analysis has been used in each of their honors level courses, regardless of subject, at least a handful of times in the past, though the sources and styles used varied widely between grade level and teacher.
Cultural Characteristics and Learning Styles
Students attend a grade nine through twelve public education high school in a more affluent region of the Las Vegas Valley. Due to this, learners are familiar with computer-supplemented and technology-supplemented instruction and use these resources on a weekly, if not daily basis. Primary source analyses are a requirement in social studies classes and they cater to a wide variety of learning styles and multiple intelligences depending on the type of source used (document, physical object,
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Many students also agree that the vocabulary present in these primary source documents and sources is difficult and beyond their grasp, not to mention that primary source analysis in general is viewed by them to be frustrating, prolonged, difficult, and boring. Despite all of this social studies classes, which require primary source analysis, are required as part of the core requirements for graduation. Even more, students enrolled in these focus classes must maintain a minimum GPA requirement in order to receive the honors diploma for participating in these honors classes. In order for the students to progress to an honors level course the following school year they must maintain a minimum of a C+ (77-79%) grade for the entire school year, or they may lose their honors
n Begin Match to source 4 in source list: Submitted to Highland High School on 2018-04-19To Kill a Mockingbird,End Match they have 3 characters that have gotten my attention throughout the story. The first one is Jean Louise “scout”, scout was an intelligent little girl who would see the goodness in people and the community. The second one is Arthur Radley also known as “boo”. He is a quiet man who is always inside his house but is a very caring man. Last one is Tom Robinson, he was a hardworking man, dedicated husband and father to his three children. In the novel to kill a mockingbird, Jean louise a tomboyish,smart little girl she was, always saw the best Begin Match to source 3 in source list: Submitted to Mountain View High School on 2006-12-17in peopleEnd Match and Begin Match to source 3 in source list: Submitted to Mountain View High School on 2006-12-17her community.
In result of The Seven Years’ War Britain controlled American trade and territory. In order to pay for the expenses of the war several taxation acts and military presence were implemented such as the Sugar Act, Stamp Act, Currency Act, Quartering Act and the presence of British troops at the colonies. Consequently, Americans who thought these actions violated their political and constitutional liberties opposed these policies with petitions, boycotts, and resistance strategies known as the Imperial Crisis. In January 1776 Thomas Paine’s Common Sense was composed to convince Americans of the need for independence from British rule and establishment of democracy. This pamphlet
In History there are World History Part I, World History Part II, World History Part III, United States History Part I, United States History II & III , Civics and Government History, and Social Studies Elective.
To begin, over the course of this semester, I had the opportunity to conduct my history classroom observations at Sierra Vista High. This high school is a public school located in Baldwin Park and is part of the Baldwin Park Unified School District. Sierra Vista High School has a student population of 1,895 students. The student population consists of 90 percent Hispanic, 6 percent Asian, 3 percent Filipino, and 1 percent white. These demographics were shared by the vice principal of the high school. While I was at Sierra Vista High School, I was given the chance to analyze and observe three history teachers. Thus, in this paper I will discuss and share my experiences observing the
Also, the primary sources I will be incorporating in my lessons, which are a song, photographs, documents, and images. Also, the secondary sources I will be using are books, charts, class notes, and the class textbook.
What type of primary source is this? How is this type of primary source different from or unique when compared to other types of primary sources?
Throughout the United States’ primary and secondary schooling system, United States and World History is a requirement for teaching curriculums. However the presence of black history it’s lacking in most schools across the country. Many schooling districts sugarcoat or even completely omit the harsh realities African Americans have faced for centuries. Students who attend HBCUs not only get to learn more about black history, they also get to be apart of it daily. Black colleges give colored youth the chance to learn more about black history in a way that they cannot do at any other institution. This unparalleled experience is why HBCUs are worth keeping
The changes are meant to help the student to have a better understanding of the social studies in preparation for middle school. For instance, every grade in elementary level has the Map and Globe skill as the next to the last topic to help the student learn how to use maps to retrieve social studies information. Additionally, the syllabus gives a more detailed approach, which the teacher must address fully. The information processing skills as mentioned earlier is also one of the vital changes (GADOE, 2016).
The aim of Social Studies is the promotion of civic competence the knowledge, intellectual processes, and democratic dispositions required of students to be active and engaged participants in public life. Proverbs 19:2 (ESV) states," Desire without knowledge is not good, and whoever makes haste with his feet misses his way."For example it is essential for there to be commonalities across the grade levels so that there is a scaffolding of concepts to build from one grade level to the next.
When it comes to classroom resources in social science and history classrooms, we are kind of limited. I think it is pretty clear that most courses
History class is not the only issue among students; the nation’s standardized test also leaves Native students behind their peers. Many questions are “Eurocentric and culturally bias” resulting in many students who have grown in a traditional customs unable to answer the questions (Robertson). Many school curricula does not build on the students strength of the student, it is only if the strength and skill is of the dominate culture that it will get attention (Landsman and Lewis 182).
School systems that create classes that actively discuss racial and ethnic identity and history serve as an empowering dynamic. The documentary Precious Knowledge presented a battle over Ethnic Studies classes that were offered at Tucson Unified School District (TUSD) in Arizona during 2009. Divisive issues were not the product of these discussions, but a reluctance of white Americans who held the social, political, and economic privilege. The Ethnic Studies classes that were offered at TUSD empowered the Mexican-American students in the community by allowing them to learn more about their history, who they were, and how they fit into the social structure in the U.S. society. The classes taught the students about the systematic structures within the United States, providing students with a holistic understanding of the racial and ethnic issues relating to their personal social-political position, as well as others in the sociopolitical system. Courses similar to these are critical for students from underrepresented backgrounds and whites to engage in at the high school level because they push both whites and marginalized groups to understand a new perspective from a young
When I was a little girl my father would come and pick me up from my mother house for his visitation rights and always took me to dinner at his favorite restaurants. One of those restaurants was that of the Spaghetti Factory in San Jose, California where I grew up. It sat along the inner part of downtown San Jose, a fine place to go for a night out on the town; with lights a glowing across ever avenue. Although there are many restaurants one could choose to patronize in San Jose, CA the Spaghetti Factory is still the top choice for me, due to its friendly service, low prices, and an array of menu options to which to choose from. From food for children, to senior menu’s, gluten free menu, too dinner and lunch specials that come with a complete meal; to which to choose from. While this location is known for being one of the busiest places around, reservations are a must but you’re guaranteed a table as soon as you arrive; so the waiting period is very minimal. Another thing is sometimes it’s quite hard to find a reasonable parking spot, but the restaurant offers additional parking across the street in the garage at no additional cost; as long as you show your parking voucher at the front desk to be validated by staff upon your arrival.
I will be teaching a Social Studies unit on cultural geography to 23 third grade students at Fall River Elementary. Students will examine factors that make regions of the United States similar to each other and different from one another. They will learn how regions of the U.S. are connected and depend on each other. The lessons in this unit will utilize interactive maps using student Chromebooks. There will be minimal direct instruction with the majority of each lesson involving cooperative learning groups with hands-on activities. I will check for understanding throughout the unit through observation and completed student work on graphic organizers, story problems and group projects. An assessment will be given at the end