
Primate And Primate Interaction

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Play is expressed as being one of the most sophisticated forms of primate-to-primate interaction (Demaru et al. 2015). During play, the main form of emotional communication is through facial expression (Demaru et al. 2015). In humans, facial expressions are a universal display of non-verbal communication, and they are immediately read and responded to by conspecifics that bear witness to them (Cattaneo & Pavesi 2014). Play faces (PF) – an open mouth, or an open mouth with teeth showing- are used to signal the want to play and are influenced by characteristics of the play interaction (Demaru et al. 2015). For instance, aggressive behavior during play can influence the PF (Demaru et al. 2015). A study done by Demaru (2015) in the Apenheul Primate Park in the Netherlands sought to examine PF in playful interaction across a diversity of bonobo age groups. The results of the study showed that facial expressions acted as emotional signals of playfulness and excitement (Demaru et al. 2015). Further, the bonobos understood the meaning of their facial expression and would proceed to hide their expression if they did not want to play, showing the cognitive capacity for self-awareness and self-reflection (Demaru et al. 2015). The study also showed that adult bonobos could better control their facial expressions when playing with young in order to suppress any possible over-excitement and aggression amongst the juvenile bonobos (Demaru et al. 2015: 341). Another study conducted

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