Did prince committed suicide because he had aids? Alijah mason
On April 21, 2016 Prince Rogers Nelson aka music popstar prince was found unconscious in his million dollar home. When police were called to the scene he was pronounced dead. There are more who believed he had been diagnosed HIV/AIDS and was tired of hiding for pleasing his fans and for his life. One theory is Prince committed suicide because he had AIDs. Prince was diagnosed with full blown aids. ``AIDS weakened prince enough for the flu or the zika virus to kill him, or get back on drugs knowing he was dying anyways” (www.fansideed.com). The rumors is popping up, thanks to National Enquirer. A publication known for blowing things out of proportion just flat out making
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The national enquirer already revealed some of the most bizarre secrets of prince secret world. Prince ex-lovers says `` But even though prince embraced his faith as a Jehovah’s Witness” (www.nationalenquirer.com). He also built a wild reputation as a sex crazed rock-star! One of the sources say one of his ex-lovers had died of …show more content…
``Authorities probably know much more they are willing to discuss public as they seek the source of the fentanyl and consider criminal charges” (www.worldnews.com). Is a note that prince’s body had scars on the left side of his hip, and lower right leg. ``Reporters doesn’t say, but it’s possible the scars were evidence of past surgeries for joint pain” (www.worldnews.com). At least one friend has said suffered years of hip and knee pain from his athletic stage of performance. Fit description of chronic pain patient who got hooked on opioids, said Andrew kolodny director of physicians for responsible opioids prescribing. Opioids lead to tolerance and some patients seek out stronger drugs after initial dosages stop
Internet Rumor On September 13, 1996, Tupac Shakur died after being shot in a drive by. There have been many rumors from various sources that say he may still be alive and in hiding in Cuba. Many people have been saying that they have spotted him in different places and have also found pictures of him that were taken in the present. If Tupac is really alive then he planned out his death really well but for what reason?
In 996 of the gods era King Frederick of Little Evalia was driven mad after his wife died after giving birth two weeks early to twin daughters and bled out. The King in his grief ordered the twins to be executed for the death of the queen, however, his son the fifteen year old evilan Crown Prince Lloyd; kidnapped the twin princess believing that his father was just suffering from a temporary bout of insanity, and that he would regret having the twins killed. Only the King never did recover and the country suffered tremendously from his insanity. In response Prince Lloyd started a resistance faction, and tried to take the throne from his father only to beaten down, disowned, and have a kill on sight order put out on Prince Lloyd, and twin princesses
It is safe to say Prince was something special. He won his first two Grammy’s early on throughout his career, with his record selling song ‘Purple Rain’ in 1985. He was awarded as best male R&B vocal performance for his breathtaking performance of ‘Future Baby Mama’. This led to his last Grammy in 2008 (TOURE). Audiences loved Prince and like everyone says “His self-confidence sent crowds into frenzy” Prince was not only a jaw dropping performer but a warm hearted man who left a marvelous impact on many people around the world. Prince played almost every instrument you could think of and could hit almost every note (TOURE). Prince was never afraid to be himself but possibly had acceptance issues but once said the powerful words of “I think when one discovers himself, he discovers God”. Prince never failed to seek shelter for the lost
There are many conspiracy theories concerning the life and death of Tupac Shakur. Tupac Amaru Shakur was an American rapper and actor. Tupac was born New York, New York, United States on 16 June 1971. His birth name was Lesane Parish Crooks. Tupac was killed on September 13, 1996, in Las Vegas, Nevada. There have been many different stories about his death. People say he is still alive and then people said he is dead. There have also been people saying his death was caused because of his music and the Illuminati killed him.
Evan Perry suffered from bipolar disorder since his birth. As a child he was erratic, angry and violent, and then, as if a switch had been flipped, he’d be overwhelming sad. He was medicated at age seven and at 10 he was finally diagnosed with BD. After spending years on the drug Lithium he decided, at age 15, to lower the dose and later go off it all together. His condition was too bad, though, and he became overwhelming depressed and sullen. His parents decided to make an appointment with his psychiatrist to prescribe the Lithium again, declaring that “the experiment didn’t work.” The appointment was on October 4, 2005. On October 2, at a family dinner, Evan and his mother got into a fight which she described as “very intense.” “I was doing
Many people would have expected him to die from a stunt, escape or show that had gone wrong. This was not the case. No it was a much more complicated case. There were many different theories about the cause of Harry Houdini’s death. Some take in account the punches that Houdini received in his dressing room.
As a child, Prince was often bullied in school and became a recluse. As a result, he turned to music as a source of refuge and started writing some of his own music but he never considered music as a career until he saw James Brown live for the first time when he was 10-years old (GUINESS, 1989). Because of his parents’ separation in 1970, Prince moved away from his home with his mother and stepfather and went to live with his father before drifting off to live
Fentanyl is a powerful synthetic opioid drug that is significantly more potent than Morphine. Fentanyl overdose has recently been discussed with the public and media since the death of famous musician Prince in 2016 consequently on a Fentanyl overdose. Now, we are informed on the increased cases of fentanyl overdoses and the thousands of lives claimed due to these overdoses. The most shocking detail is that cases of fentanyl overdose keep on increasing. Teenagers are the most vulnerable in this scenario because they aren’t aware of the dangers of this drug and its negative health outcomes. Teenagers are easily exposed to street versions of the drug which are often mixed with heroin, and thus, become more unsafe and potent. Because Fentanyl
They checked on him the next morning on the date of July 22 2015 and he was found dead. It says that he had died from natural causes. However, This shouldn’t be taken lightly. If
In an interview with the Hollywood Insider, Ringo Starr admits, “We (Starr, Lennon and Harrison) felt guilty about the deception...We wanted to tell the world the truth, but we were afraid of the reactions it would provoke.” (Worldnewsdaily Ringo Starr)
In shocking news for the country world, Merle Haggard has passed away today. TMZ shared the news that the country singer died after a long battle with double pheunomia. His manager confirmed his death today. This news comes out Merle canceled several various shows around the country recently. It also happened to be his 79th birthday and fans were not expecting this news. Even though everyone knew that Merle Haggard had been ill, they didn't realize that it was this bad.
While our major access to these drugs is doctors, we cannot simply lay blame on them, as there is not enough knowledge about these treatments to correctly appropriate drugs, and therefore extra is given (Hemphill 373). Alexander of the Department of Epidemiology of the Journal of the American Medical Association, states that “There are serious gaps in the knowledge base regarding opioid use for other chronic nonmalignant pain” (Alexander 1865-1866), which leads to the unfortunately large number of leftover drugs. In fact, the main place that people get their drugs are from leftover prescriptions (Hemphill 373).
Anyang Nyongo has been killed numerous times on social media since 2013,He has finally come out to speak about the state of his health and why these rumors are circulating.
He suffered a heart attack and died at the age of 22 while he was on holiday in Bangkok, Thailand.
December 5th 2013, Nelson mandela passed away. Mandela had prostate cancer and a recurring lung infection which eventually killed him. Mandela was admitted to the hospital at least 5 times in the last two years of his life. When mandela died he was surrounded by his family. Mandela was then buried in his family's graveyard in Qunu South Africa.