
Princess Bride Thesis

Satisfactory Essays

“The Princess Bride” was a good movie that was released in October 9, 1987. It was directed by Rob Reiner and the screenwriter was William Goldman. Some major actors in the movie include: Cary Elwes, Mandy Patinkin (Inigo Montoya), Chris Sarandon, Wallace Shawn (Vizzini), Andre the Giant (Fezzik), and Robin Wright. “The Princess Bride” is about a little boy who is sick and his grandfather tries to make him feel better by reading a story called The Princess Bride. The story starts with a girl named Buttercup (Robin Wright) and how she fell in love with a “farmboy” named Westly (Cary Elwes). He does everything he is told to do and one day he goes to sea. It was assumed he had died at sea because the ship he was on was invaded by pirates, and

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