
Princess Elizabeth Descartes Correspondence

Decent Essays

In the Correspondence, Princess Elizabeth questions how the mind, which has no mass and no physical properties can "determine bodily spirits to perform voluntary actions" (Page 217). She wants to know exactly how thoughts in a mind can perform actions through a physical body and believes there is a problem with Descartes' logic. Descartes starts out by saying there are two facts about the human mind that all knowledge depends on: 1. it thinks and 2. by being united to the body it can act and be acted upon. Descartes explains why he believes this reasoning by giving additional notions for the body, mind, and the body and mind together. When referring to the body, Descartes says "we only have the notion of extension, which entails the notions …show more content…

Descartes then goes on to explain the notion of 'heaviness' and says that believes it has been misused when it is supposed as a real quality, and that it was given to us for the purpose of regarding the way in which the soul moves the body. Princess Elizabeth's then replies, and Descartes writes another letter back in order to answer more of her questions regarding the mind-body interaction and help her more understand his reasoning. He begins by saying that even though she may want to perceive the soul as material (in order to understand its union with the body), she should still recognize that it is separate from the body. He regards that if it is easier for Princess Elizabeth to "attribute matter and extension to the soul than to attribute to it the capacity to move a body and to be moved by one without having matter" (Page 228), then she should do that, and then by doing that eventually she will be able to comprehend and visualize the union of the body and soul that he mentioned in the first

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