Princess Meredith and the Royal Ball One bright summer morning, Princess Meredith rushed outside to the royal courtyard. Lights and decorations were being hung, and food was being prepared. Summer was Princess Meredith’s favorite time of year. Every year, Kingdom Faithia held a ball for all the kingdoms in Utopia. They all gathered together, danced, ate, and had a good time. Princess Meredith excitedly rushed to her bedroom to get ready. Flinging all the clothing from her closet, she picked out her favorite gown. Pink with diamonds and sparkles, her gown glistened in the sunlight as she twirled around her room. Gleaming like the diamond earrings she was wearing, the shoes she picked out sat neatly on display in the corner of her room. Curling
Everything had began magnificently the day I attended the renaissance fair. It was the first time I’d ever been to any festival of the sort, and the air was full of magic. At exactly 10:30 in the morning, the ceremony began. The King and Queen presented themselves atop the castle’s balcony to address their people. As the beautiful royals welcomed us into their kingdom, my heart beat erratically, and I crossed the threshold with my breath held. There were so many events that I wanted to see, and activities I wanted to try; I couldn’t wait to get inside. I wasn’t just an ordinary guest, however, I had a job to do. Carrying my instrument lightly with one hand, dressed as a princess and feeling important, I walked proudly through the bustling
Lena Wilkes was born in the small secluded community known as Comnor Valley. She was raised in a polygamous family, with four mothers and forty-seven siblings, all members of the First Consecration Order (FCO). When she was sixteen years old, after years of abuse, including being impregnated by her own father and being forced to marry her first cousin, Alma Wayment, she fled her family and faith. After many years as a vagabond in Middle and Southwest America, Lena eventually finds acceptance and sanctuary in the small Navajo town of Powell, just 50 miles east of her former hometown. While she tries to keep contact and connection with other former FCO members and runaways in the surrounding region, she chooses to center her focus on building herself a new life away from her past. She's thrust into
There have been several presidents who have earned the title 'great' for the leadership and vision they demonstrated during their service in the White House, including Thomas Jefferson, James K. Polk, Teddy Roosevelt, FDR, Harry Truman, Dwight Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, Abraham Lincoln and Ronald Reagan. Today however I want to honor one president above all others, George Washington. Each of these men led the United States through a period of crisis and conflict. In my eyes the one that stands out the most is George Washington
My hero is princess Alice. She helped by offering a shelter home in her house. She lived during World War 2 and had Son-In-Low fighting on the German side. As she was deaf, she used the suspicious of the princess and even Interviewed her.
Queen Elizabeth I was born in England on September 7,1533.Her original name was Elizabeth Tudor,Queen Elizabeth was the daughter of significant people in history.Her father was King Henry VIII and her mother was King Henry;second wife named Anne Boleyn. Elizabeth's grandfather was also a very significant part of history in England.He was the first king of England in her family. She never got married in her lifetime; even when she became queen there was no king present. She was known as the Virgin Queen. Elizabeth was intelligent, she was well educated and knew 6 different languages;she could speak all 6 languages fluently. Elizabeth became queen on November 17,1558, after her half-sister’s death.
Elizabeth Tudor is one of the best people of monarch in English history. She became queen on 1558, she was twenty-five years old. She transmissible a bankrupt nation, torn by non secular discord, a weakened pawn between the nice powers of France and European country. Elizabeth was solely the third queen to rule European nation in her own right; the opposite 2 examples, her relative woman Jane gray and half-sister Mary I, were fatal. Even her supporters believed her position was dangerous and unsure. Her solely hope, they recommended, was to marry quickly and lean upon her husband for support. however Elizabeth had alternative concepts. She was born in the 7th of September of 1533 in Greenwich. She died in Surrey on the 24th of March of 1603.
Queen Isabelle appearance had changed quite a bit from when she was a princess. She of course had her beautiful ocean eyes and dyed her hair blue and brighter and darker blue highlight with a bit of purple in her hair. Queen Isabelle had her hair braided back and had a black and blue fluffy hair clip. She a black and a bit of blue fancy dress with blue high heels wrapped in black lace. Queen Isabelle had a fancy necklace that was silver with sapphire rhinestones and matching earrings. She had a... unique ring... it was silver and had a blue eyeball in it with the silver surrounding it with sharp teeth and finally a silver crown that had blue rhinestones on it. (Holy shit that took to long
England, 1837, King William IV dies and a young woman named Victoria is crowned Queen of the United Kingdom. Little did people know, this was the beginning of the Golden Age of England. Her 64 year reign led to some of the most prosperous times in her country’s history. Queen Victoria, written by Lytton Strachey, details the life of Victoria and England. Strachey was known as a founding member of the Bloomsbury Group and the author of Eminent Victorians when he wrote Queen Victoria. He is said to have grown fond of Victoria while writing her biography. Strachey describes Victoria having an "irresistible sincerity" (265).
Queen Elizabeth I was born on September 7, 1533 in Greenwich Palace, England. She was the granddaughter of Henry the VII, Elizabeth of York, Sir Thomas Boleyn and Lady Elizabeth Howard. Elizabeth was the daughter of King Henry VIII and second wife Anna Boleyn. She had two half siblings Mary I and Edward VI. Elizabeth also had five stepmothers. Her birth was the greatest disappointment of her father’s life. There was a little celebration at baby Elizabeth's birth. Bonfires were lit throughout the land but with little enthusiasm. Elizabeth was given a magnificent Christening at Greenwich when she was only three days old. Her mother Anne Boleyn was being charged with adultery and conspiracy. The charges were false but Anne Boleyn was beheaded on the
Queen Victoria’s family background was filled with kings and queens, she came from a wealthy family and her granddad was King George III. Queen Victoria’s parents were Edward the Duke of Kent and Mary Louis Victoria of Saxe-Coburg and Saalfeld. She had a very big family consisting of 15 cousins and her half-sister Feódore. Their family was religious, since she got baptized a month after her birth, June 24th,1819. Queen Victoria had a very depressing childhood, which had affected her life greatly. Victoria had to follow very strict rules throughout her youth some of which are, no friends, sleeping with her mother, writing in a journal daily, not allowed to see her father’s side of the family, etc. According to research, “her guardians planned that when she became queen, her mother would be her regent and Conroy her private secretary,” (Victoria Queen, 3). Clearly Victoria’s mother was blinded by greed that she wanted her own daughter
The life and area of Queen Elizabeth I is a remarkable interesting study of history. When reading pages of her reign as a single Queen in the sixteenth century, England it is an extraordinary phenomenon of a time in history when women was supposed to have been a shadow of what the men of that time allowed them to be, how far, how much power, and knowledge the men considered necessary for a woman to have. It did not matter if she was of royal blood, or a commoner. She was not equal to a man by their standards. However, it was not realized that the women were the ones rearing the male child. The Kings were always expected to have a male child born to take his father’s place ruling the kingdom. In the case of King Henry VIII, a female child was
There is a legend, so old and forgotten that almost no one knows the lines. Generations of my family have passed it down in hopes to keep it alive. Today I shall tell this tale to you: The Tragedy of Princess Mizu, The Water Princess.
There are many different stages of reproduction, and changes that happen in a woman when she becomes pregnant. It may be difficult for some people to comprehend what really goes on in the woman's body while this biological process takes place. Our topic today will help those who have a hard time comprehending the changes a fetus goes through during a pregnancy.
“Now she is placing the rhinestone tiara on her head before the mirror of the dressing-table and murmuring excitedly as if to a group of spectral admirers” (Williams 1226).
The history of U.S. policy toward mind-altering substances has followed cycles of tolerance and intolerance ever since the mid-19th century. The medical use of the cannabis plant goes back at least 5,000 years to ancient China. It has been used by most of the world’s cultures for its healing properties (Medical Marijuana Cases 1). Today such conditions as Migraine headaches, Glaucoma, Cancer, Epilepsy, Asthma AIDS/HIV, Spinal injury, Muscle spasms, Insomnia etc., could be treated for symptomatic relief with cannabis or cannabis extract. However, marijuana is still considered an illegal drug in most states in the United States.