
Printing Press Dbq Essay

Satisfactory Essays

The printing press revolutionized the world as people now know it. Since kids humans have learned through books, and documents. But what if they would never have them? Would humanity still be illiterate and isolated, just focusing on religion?. The printing press was created by Johannes Gutenberg in 1450 giving people more books to read, the alphabet, and religion with the bibles he printed, making a huge jump on people's education. Even though the printing press was really influential in exploration times, it was more influential in the reformation era. The printing press had its own effect in exploration and discovery of America. Thanks to this helpful machine people were more literate, and instead of focusing only in their religion, they also gave their attention to science and humanism. Asking themselves about the world, and forced to search for answers to their questions. One document who will help to understand is Document A who shows us how many printing press were in 1417, and later on in 1500. Meaning that in 1500 there were more than 150 more machines. Even though document A …show more content…

In the 1450’s books were only accessible for rich people, as their scarcity and the complicity of creating, making most of the people illiterate. Thanks to the facility the printing press brought for books, they became more accessible and people started to learn how to read and write, to later on read the Bible and realise the Catholic Church was not pure at all. And to support this statement document C that tells us that people started to unfollow the church and streets follow Martin Luther in the new religion of reformation. Clearly showing that for the 1560 Europe was divided, and instead of being mostly catholic they passed to be half Protestant. And because of the points said above, and the evidence of the documents the printing press had more important effects in reformation era, instead of

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