
Prison Camp Narrative

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That night our last assignment was to escape from a prison camp nestled in the jungle not far from our location. We were formed up in platoon size chunks and marched down a dusty road with instructions to periodically peel off into the woods when the guards were looking in groups of four. The march began and the Sgt. gave the word that every 30 seconds a different group would run for the woods and work their way to friendly lines. Now with my group we had an officer candidate for West Point when he graduated this phase of training, and he didn’t let us forget that. We were all the same rank though for the moment and we would see what leadership qualities he lacked shortly thereafter. When it came our time to bolt we charged out through ditch …show more content…

Each night I was hitting my bunk before 9 PM in earlier if possible to get as much sleep as I could for the next day and to conserve my strength. Each morning as we marched chow hall people were getting wise to that ploy and eating the bare minimum otherwise it will be coming up the same way went down soon. Day after day the June heat of Georgia got hotter and our number got smaller so much so you could hear the bodies slapping the pavement as we ran around the towers singing cadence. The whoop, whoop of the choppers flying in to dust another off from heat exhaustion became more prevalent as the week wore on. By the end of the first week are number was less than half what we started with and now the tower part of the training was to begin. This was conducted in mockups of aircraft and 34 foot tower. Now 34 feet doesn’t seem to be that high but as you are standing on a small platform in a parachute harness with rigging above your head out to a pulley arranged on a steel cable it looks far. The object was to exit the mockup doorway feet and knees together chin down arms tight to your side holding a fake reserve chute and fall about 10 feet give or take till slacken the line jerked you straight up. At that moment it was a thrill ride 300 feet down the cable, they call it a zip line today, into a berm of dirt for a hard landing. A black hat instructor was sitting at the bottom of the tower grading you on your exit from the mockup and how you recovered for the wild ride down the cable. This was done all day long at a full on run back from the berm of dirt into line then double time to the top of the tower to start all over again. Other training devices were harnesses that you would swing off of a six-foot high step and swing out over a sawdust pit back and forth until the black cat decided to let go of the

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