Prison Overpopulation
The overpopulating of prisons in the federal prison swelled to 39 percent above capacity through last September and is expected to surge to more than 45 percent above its limit by 2018. Overcrowding the cells giving no privacy to inmates, meanwhile the guards keep watch. “How the legislature will take proper and constitutional action and now to reduce the overpopulation of prison”. ( )
The overcrowding of prisons puts the inmates in a squeezed environment contribute to an increased in inmate misconduct, which negatively affects the safety and security of inmates and staff. By creating the possibility that an inmate will shape and have a violent incident towards another inmate or threatening with sharp object towards guards staying on watch. With more and more prisoners confined to limited spaces, prison officials are forced to cut time into inmates having in the cafeteria, recreation yards and television rooms. Also factors as two or three inmates
are assigned in rooms made for one prisoner or in common areas that were never meant to be as cells. Theres no way of monitoring or knowing what the prisoners are doing. To decrease the overpopulation officials such as the department of justice could push more solutions like
Prison overcrowding has been seen as a small issue in the eyes of big news organization however the problem may be breaking through your door soon enough. Many citizens have pushed several proposals on how to solve this problem but the state and federal government have denied all of these responses and have instead either freed criminals or have kept them as they were. Those who try and tackle problems like these often give up due to the fact that even more time and money may be needed to solve their wasteful solutions. Incentive programs such as work release and community service have only blinded law abiding citizens from the truth, that the government will not due what is necessary to de-escalate overcrowding in prisons.
Prison overcrowding in the United States is due to many reoccurring charges that is being sentenced to inmates that have been released and returning. As the increasing inmate population is a growing concern in the U.S, many law enforcement agencies and academic expert have analyzed data about the situation and are working to combat it. Research shows that Drugs are mainly to blame. Of the inmates in federal prison as of September 2011, more than half or 50.4% was serving sentences for drug offenses that were committed including simple offenses. Out of 24,366 related drug offenders, 6,336 were marijuana related offenders and 4,309 were Methamphetamine related offenders. This does not only show that more than half of the prisons are filled with drug offenders but it means that the cells are being used by people who are most likely addicted to the substance. When there are cells being wasted by people who do not or would rather not change their ways, then it is useless. Overpopulated drug offenders are the result in prison overcrowding in the United States. In this research paper I will be reviewing the main cause for overcrowding, what overcrowding causes, crime rates and costs, proposition AB 109, and potential solutions to the overcrowding of prison system.
He notes that with the increase in number of Prisoners in the American prison, the chance of having them reformed is slimmer than having them learn new criminal tactics. Downscaling jails is his offered solution to the rise in crime in United States and therefore he outlines plans on how the number of prisoners can be reduced in jails. This book is essential to this paper as it will offer firsthand information on jail management and the more specific steps of reducing the number of prisoners in American
More and more United States prisons are becoming too crowded to support the overwhelming flow of incoming criminals. There is a job that lawmakers have to do if they want to control the ever growing prison populations in the U.S. The problems of overcrowding United States prisons includes but is not limited to, inmate and guard safety, financial strains on taxpayers, and economic productivity. The solutions to these problems include increasing alternatives to incarcerations, risk assessments, eliminating ineffective sentencing laws for minor offenses, and creating more rehabilitation and treatment programs for minor offenses.
As we all know – there are tons of social issues within the entire world that Criminal Justice Practitioners deal with, most likely, on a daily basis. One of the many social issues I’ve chosen is Prison Overcrowding.
In the US, the number of incarcerated people in the prison systems cumulatively will form the fourth largest city in the US by population. This serves to underline the importance of addressing the issues that affect the prisoners and the other employees of these correctional services. The first issue that is affecting the success of the correctional services provided by the prison services is the congestion in the prisons. Most of the prisons in the United States were built a long time ago and with the increased population of imprisoned offenders, their capacity to handle prisoners has been greatly overstretched. An example of overstretched prison facilities is in the state of California where the state has been forced to transfer its prisoners
As of 2015, 2.7% of adults in the United States were under correctional control, the lowest rate since 1994, however that is still roughly 6.7 million adults (Kaeble & Glaze, 2016). While the correctional population has declined, correctional facilities in the United States are still grossly overcrowded, with many facilities at or surpassing capacity. A report in 2010 by the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation showed that on average, facilities were at 175% capacity (Brown, 2010). However, as of midnight on October 31st, 2017 the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation reported that their facilities, on average, were 132% occupied (Brown, 2017). Not only is prison overcrowding a burden on the facilities themselves, but also on the inmates. Prison overcrowding, that is, housing more inmates than the facility can humanely facilitate (Haney, 2006), places a strain on all resources throughout the correctional facility, including on the healthcare that’s offered, educational programs, and most dramatically on the physical space available to house inmates (Ekland-Olson, 1983).
These measures were taken to ensure public safety but are now posing a problem for our correctional facilities. Overcrowding and budgets are among the problems brought about by these measures. Both the state and federal correctional population throughout the United States have steadily seen significant increases in their population, every year for the past decades. Based on the census found on the Bureau of Justice website, the data collected between June 30th 2000 to December 30th 2005 showed that prisoners held in custody between federal and state prisons increased by 10%. (“Bureau of Justice Statistics”, p.1 -2)
The overcrowding prison reflects that the inmate population has grown much faster than the funding for prisons, which is controlled at the state level. In most cases, state funding has not come close to keeping up with the rise in the prison population, leading to decrepit prison infrastructure that is wholly inadequate for housing such large numbers of inmates. Without capacity to house inmates properly, some prisons have resorted to having prisoners sleep in gymnasiums, and many have overcrowded cells to accommodate the extra bodies. This overcrowding has led to deteriorating cleanliness of prisons and declining safety. Today, non-violent prisoners are forced to live in close quarters with violent ones, and the results are predictable.
Jail overcrowding is one of the largest issues in the United states, mainly due to our popularity amongst the world with being the number one country of most incarcerations. As prestigious as that may sound, it is obviously not. The United States is infamously known for the amount of criminal conduct which then causes more incarcerations and leads to more and more prisons being built thus the one thing the U.S leads every country in, jail overcrowding. Jails were originally built and meant for rehabilitation, somewhere along the line is seems as though our correctional systems have lost sight of that. In actuality, it seems as though our entire law enforcement has lost sight of what’s right and what’s wrong. We have far too many people being
Prison overcrowding has become a serious problem within the United States. Despite the fact that the nation has opened or expanded almost three-hundred prisons in less than seven years, the average prison space available for inmates has dropped by over ten percent. Prison overcrowding has gotten worse. Especially as crime has become more violent. And drug related crimes have more often resulted in confinement.(Allen, Simonsen, Latessa 169) The overcrowding within the prisons has caused safety hazards and hazardous living conditions for the prisoners. Two different groups, such as Tough-Sentencing Supporters and Opponents are taking action to solve these problems at hand. Tough Sentencing Supporters say more prisons are needed to be built
The purpose of this paper is to look at the prevalence of overcrowding in the United States prison system, what led to its current conditions, and how it effects the its fundamental function. The explanation of growth is suggested by Davey 1998 and Anderson 2000. Jacobson, 2005 outlines some of the affairs leading to the change in prison functions. The dire state of conditions in prison facilities is exemplified by McConville, 1987. Furthermore McConville also offers some possible resolutions to the current problems.
The purpose of this assignment is to take a look at an existing issue within the American criminal justice system which is prison overcrowding and its effects. Imprisonment is the primary means of punishment in American society for crimes (Ross, 2010; Verro, 2010). In fact, the incarceration rate in America surpasses several other developed nations, due to having over two million inmates presently serving time in prison (Brazell, Crayton, Mukamal, Solomon, and Lindahl, 2009; Vacca, 2004). The American criminal justice system was developed on the foundation of providing both positive and negative objectives in dealing with the criminal population. From history, it is known that previous concepts and procedures were based on English styles. However, with the rapid construction of penitentiaries and other facilities, it was soon discovered that the approach practiced in England was proven to be ineffective in dealing overcrowding and other issues in America.
In America’s tough economic society, over population has become an exceedingly hot topic issue. However, overcrowding in America’s prison system has been a severe problem since the 1970's. The majority of the changes have come from different policies on what demographic to imprison and for what reason. The perspective of locking up criminals because they are "evil" is what spawned this (Allen, 2008). Because of this perspective the prison system in America is in need of serious reorganization. Since 1980, most states have one or more of their prisons or the entire system under orders from the federal courts to maintain minimum constitutional standards (Stewart, 2006).
In the 1970s and 1980s, a massive amount of inmates began fillin up the United States prison systems. This huge rate of growth in this short amount of time, has greatly contributed to the prison overcrowding that the United States faces today. In fact, the prisons are still filled to the seams. This enormous flood of inmates has made it practically impossible for prison officials to keep up with their facilities and supervise their inmates. One of the main reasons why many prisons have become overcrowded is because of states’ harsh criminal laws and parole practices (Cohen). “One in every 100 American adults is behind bars, the highest incarceration rate in the world” (Cohen). The amount of inmates in corrections systems, throughout the