Talking about the renaissance in class these past couple of weeks has made me remember some of the genealogy that my mom has done on my family. And she was able to trace it all the way back to man sitting in the jail cell with the infamous King Arthur. So I decided to write the essay on the situations of the prisons and torture methods of the renaissance. The first is the most gruesome part that we are just going to dive into the gruesome details of torture. One of the most gruesome forms that was also a form of execution, where they would hang you until you were half dead then they would cut you down and disembowel you and quarter you while you were still alive. Then they would throw you intestinal track into a fire nearby. A lot
Following along with the ticking time bomb scenario or any other future terrorist attack, many opponents of torture like to argue, how do the investigators really know the person they have in custody is for sure the terrorist who knows where the location of the bomb is or any other information that is needed. What if that isn’t the right person and the one who is in custody is being tortured but is completely innocent. The way that technology is improving and advancing from day to day, the idea of being wrong is very rare (Torture). Before investigators and researchers take the time to arrest the terrorist and get them in custody, they do precise investigations to make sure they are right. They will not take into custody and torture the person
Solitary Confinement can leave a psychological scar and impact upon cognitive functions on an individual. Modern-day terms for solitary confinement is known as the box or the shoe. It is classified to prisoners as a prison within the prison. In order to get sent to solitary confinement, a prisoner must commit an offense within the prison to earn a trip to the “box”. It’s the worst possible punishment you can face in prison. Solitary confinement is being locked down for twenty-three hours a day with one hour of recreation time. Solitary confinement can take a heavy toll on an inmate’s mental health.
Solitary confinement for juveniles has been a common problem for several years. Growing up in solitary confinement as a juvenile, prison life is the only life they will know. They will not know how to act in the real world. They will get sent right back to jail over and over again. The kids adapt to the prison lifestyle. They will start to lose their mind in jail if they are in there too long. Solitary confinement should be banned for juveniles because it has the potential to negatively impact one’s mind, which can be detrimental on the brain, which is not yet fully developed.
The history of torture in Europe may seem at first to be a steady progression of barbarous tactics, leading from one social purge to the next, but this is not completely the case. Torture has been used in a progression from primitive methods to the present more modern styles. It has also developed extensively, both in severity and variety of methods used. But in the end, torture has gone full circle; modern forms of torture are more like those methods used by savages than anything in between. Overall, the severity of torture has fluctuated, growing and receding with the passing of each new time period, but eventually reverting to its original state.
Despite the fact that my parents have worked in the criminal justice system for many years, I have never given much thought to the treatment of prisoners. As we learned from the readings, the current state of the United States criminal justice system is imperfect to the point of cruelty to those involved in it. This is truer for individuals with a mental illness. Due to a lack of psychiatric facilities throughout Alabama and overcrowding of those that do exist, many criminal offenders with mental illnesses are sent to prisons instead. State prisons are currently overcrowded, leading to substandard conditions such in almost every aspect.
The average incarceration of prisoners per year is 2,418,352, however more than half of those prisoners are not provided the proper care needed for their survival. (Cooper, Sabol, West 1) Several inmates are put in unjust situations and living conditions through prison systems that majorly effect their everyday lives. Many of these issues pose threats to the prisoners but are preventable through change in the system. Prison systems around the world are flawed and need to be reworked. Inmates are constantly surrounded by an unhealthy environment full of sexual assault, lack of good health, and unfair treatment based upon disability.
Some may argue that consecutive 6-month solitary confinement sentences is allowable if the sentences are for separate charges or the inmate consistently poses a threat to the prison staff and other inmates. However, extensive solitary confinement often causes serious psychological harm to the inmates. Therefore, spending a full year in solitary confinement should be considered cruel and unusual.
The focus of my paper is on the punishment method of solitary confinement used in prisons and how it comes to show the transition from punishing the body to the soul.
In America, people are sent to prison with the goal for the convict to be punished, to prevent them from doing bad things again, and to deter others from breaking the law. Each year, millions of people are released from prison, but roughly two-thirds of the prisoners who were released reoffend within three years of leaving prison, often with a more serious and violent offense. This can be attributed to the ineffective correction style that America has adopted: punishment. American prisons have focused more on punishment than correcting the character, attitudes, and or behavior of the convicted offender and this has held an adverse effect on one’s incorporation into society after incarceration. The treatment of prisoners while they are
In today's modern society prisons are seen as a dirty, old, and scary place where those who have committed crimes go to spend time depending on what crime they committed. The idea behind prisons is that no one will ever leave because of all the actions taken in order to avoid a prison break, but in actuality prisons are more easy to break out from than people think, due to the psychological aspect or how guards treat the inmates, food, and how big or small the prison may be.
Kohlberg’s morality theory defines various levels and stages where a person’s morality can be tested on a scale. Reviewing the Stanford prison experiment and the Abu Ghraib prison was interesting. The guards in the Stanford prison experiment reacted differently than each other and showed different levels of morality. In the Abu Ghraib prison, the guards were put in a real life situation where the morals were tested. It was fascinating to see how the two different scenarios had similar behaviors.
According to the State of Rhode Island General Assembly (2016), in a statement you made on June 16, 2016, at the House Judiciary Committee meeting, this was confirmed. “The Department of Corrections has reported they do not track even basic information like how many people are in each disciplinary class of confinement, the lengths of their confinement, the offenses for which they received it, and how many people in confinement have a mental illness or disability.” RIDOC previously kept no data on solitary confinement of mentally ill
As I watched this film I was just really surprised by the fact that in today’s society the reason for prison have taken a total different path than it should be. Today, prisons are now being seen as a way to make money instead of what they are made for, send a message that prevents people from committing crimes. As I watched this film I even started thinking that the government and the people that profit from prisons are actually glad anytime that crime rate increases. Before I watched this documentary, I agreed that people should be put away for committing related to drugs; but now, after realizing how unfair the system is, and how the system always finds the way to find blacks and hispanics guilty, I do not agree with such a discriminatory
Having compared the plantations in the United States to the death and labor camps of the Nazi Regime historians believe slaves and prisoners were equally enslaved. Quite a few argue that the treatment of the slaves was as inhuman as the treatment of the prisoners, in the death camps. In countless ways, the historians can be proven correct. Designed to hold prisoners’ captive, the Nazi death camps were a place to send prisoners to their death because they were thought non-superior race. Though of as animals, slaveholders had no dispute with using their wealth and power to hold slaves captive. Both parties were guilty of mistreatment and unjust actions towards fellow human beings. Ironically, a hundred years’ separation and yet history
This week, our learning subject was focused on the “Corrections Policy”. Therefore, For this Discussion, I chose to discuss is the “Prisons and Terrorism”.