
Privacy: Security, Confidentiality, or Convenience? Essay

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Privacy: Security, Confidentiality, or Convenience?


The evolution of the Internet started from the department of defense's project, and rapidly distributed to world wide. With the rise of the Internet age comes with the benefits and the concerns. Because of the easeness to communicate information and displaying data, the first amendment needs to be applied to this communication channel. How are we using and communicating information without offending and harm others? Since the evolution of the Internet, there has been acts from Congress to regulate the use the Internet such as the Communications Decency Act in 1996 and the Child Online Protection Act in 1998. These acts aim to forbid Internet users from …show more content…

All data, especially confidential customer data, should be safeguarded against unauthorized access. The expressed wishes of others should be respected with regard to the receipt of unsolicited e-mail messages." 1 The AMA, American Marketing Association, is an organization for professional marketers, empowering them with information and education that will enrich the marketer's career. They define many codes of ethics in the marketing world such as honesty and fairness, rights and duties, organizational relationship, access to information.

Privacy issue in IEEE's Software Engineering Code of Ethics is "Keep private any confidential information gained in their professional work, where such confidentiality is consistent with the public interest and consistent with the law."2 A respectable organization such as the IEEE would have a powerful impact to the professional sofware engineers with its code of ethics. This code of ethic for privacy could be applicable and beneficial to all people, not only for us engineers.

In this discussion, we will focus on the following question of privacy: Given the choice between privacy, security, and convenience, which of them would we be willing to sacrifice? We will discuss this question from a domestic and a global standpoints, as well as from the ethical perspectives.

PRIVACY DOMESTICALLY In America, we enjoy the freedom of speech and

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