
Private Health Insurance Model

Decent Essays

1. The US uses the Private Health Insurance Model. 2. The US Federal government a dominant player in the health care sector due to the Medicare (Federal Government Program) which is the single biggest payer for health services). Also, the federal government through Medicare is a health insurance program for the senior citizen, people with disabilities, and people who have end stage kidney disease. Finally, Medicare provide find for medical education, research and the care of disadvantaged and vulnerable people 3. The first Party paying is the Patient (or Parent if a minor involve), second party is the Providers and the third party is the insurance company/health agency. 4. UCR (Unusual, Customary, and reasonable) was commonly used with private insurance company and CPR (Customary, prevailing, and reasonable) was a system used by Medicare before the RBRVS schedule. Both were discounted fee for service payment before Prospective payment systems. 5. …show more content…

The purposes of managed care are to reduce the costs of healthcare for which the third-party payer must reimburse the providers and the other is to ensure continuing quality of care. 6. The insurer find the cost of health services after providers give patient care in retrospective payment methods and the third party payer is at risk. In an effect to control risk, insurers have replaced the retrospective payment methods with hybrid plans managed care plans like HMO. Now regardless of the services perform or volume of the patient seems by the providers, services is reimburse from the insurance company to provider as a capitated rate. 7. The advantage of capitated payment for providers is the fact of an insurance providing the provider with a guaranteed customer base to treat patients. The third party payer has no uncertainty and knows exactly what the cost of healthcare for the groups insure by the insurance company. 8. By using historical data. They will divide cost of all inpatient service by their LOS in a

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