The novel Private Peaceful and the short story "The Best Christmas Present in the World" are both by Michael Morpurgo, however the author is not the only thing that connects the two. When looking at these stories you realise just how similar they are, mainly the characters, plot and many of the themes. However, these stories are also very different, and the main characters face challenges that are different to each other yet hold just as much importance. Tommo, our narrator in Private Peaceful, faces difficult times when he is forced to leave his loved ones to fight for his country in the First World War. Jim Macpherson is the protagonist in "The Best Christmas Present in the World" and also has to leave his friends and family for the …show more content…
When looking at the latter, it does seem like Connie and Jim almost reflect Molly and Charlie in their loss and relationship with each other. However it does seem, at a glance at least, that Private Peaceful is the sadder of the pair. When looking deeper though, and thinking about Molly, you do realise that, yes, she does loose her love but at least she has a support network. Connie however, didn 't have any of that and therefore never fully got over the loss of her husband, as it seems that he was her foundation and when he left she is, as it says in the book "is a bit confused" and "She has no family you know. No one visits". It is clear that these stories are tales of love, loss and sorrow and hold many emotions between their pages. They teach us of the way life was in the war, how terrible the danger was in Private Peaceful but also how incredible the peace felt in "The Best Christmas Present in the World", even if for only a day. They do have their differences but still give us the message of hope and to treasure what we have, as we may not have it for much longer. They have varied plots, themes and characters but are overall very close in many aspects, such as the sacrifices they had to
What do you consider a good friend? Is it a person who always looks for your best interest, someone who wants to see you succeed, or how about someone who helps you to reach your goals in life? In the book A Separate Peace written by John Knowles, Gene and Finny appear to be friends. As the story follows them going through another school year, the characters show traits and actions that reveal unhealthy characteristics of a good friend: jealousy, mistrusting, and distracting. This negatively affects their relationship. Gene is clearly better off without Finny in his life.
Literary allegories correlate an author’s body of work to a greater known archetype, usually in pursuit of connecting certain ethics to the reader. A Separate Peace, written by John Knowles, is an admirable example of this approach. Knowles applies tales from the biblical book of Genesis into his narrative of two friends attending an elite preparatory school. More specifically, the stories of Cain and Abel, plus Adam and Eve, are in reference. The lessons and morals that are being displayed within these stories are present alongside situational elements undergone by the main characters, Gene and Finny.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is known as a mental illness that is suffered commonly by many soldiers after the traumatizing events of war. Within the troubling illness, not only does it affect the mindset of the person dealing with the disorder, it also affects the family and friends of the person suffering. In the book “A Separate Peace” written by John Knowles, a character known as Elwin Lepellier suffers from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
It is a well-known fact that competition drives most people to do better, to be better. Whether this is in sports, school, work or even a simple day to day task; the idea of possibly not being as good as the guy next to you drives the individual to push harder, to dig deep and be the best he or she can be. This is no different in A Separate Peace. In this essay we will look at the way competition affected Finny and Gene, the way Finny made new games to entertain his longing for competition, and Gene’s drive to be the best and smartest student at the school. Although they were focused on different aspects of life, competition was still very strong in their friendship; whether good or bad, it was there.
Betrayal, one of the most horrible things you could do to anyone your family, a friend anyone. To me it’s one of my all time most hated things a person could do and it’s almost unforgivable. In this book A Separate Peace by John Knowles two boys Phineas and Gene who are best friends at a boarding school in New Hampshire experience some of the worst kinds of Betrayal you could think of. Gene commits a very bad betrayal when he jousts the tree limb they are both standing on ending up with Finny falling and badly breaking his leg. This was no accident because Gene can’t stand the guilt.
Peace is very complex. It could happen when your young, or when your older and more experienced. Peace can come from bright times or dark time, such as death. In the novel A Separate Peace by John Knowles Gene finds peace in a very odd way. He has a quite “separate peace” from everyone else. Staring off as one piece, braking off into a separate piece, and finally finding a separate peace, Gene discovers he is himself, and not Finny.
Historical events can play an important role in a person's life. In A Separate Peace, the whole atmosphere at the Devon School changed as World War II progressed. The boys either eagerly awaited the draft, enlisted in the area of war they wanted, or did not want to go at all. The students at the school created new activities for enjoyment since the customary past times could not be played due to a lack of materials. When a friend "returns" from the war, the boys at Devon got a real sense of what the war was like. The boys learned that going to war was not all fun and games like they had anticipated. The influence World War II had on the characters in A
“There is a time in every man’s education when he arrives at the conclusion that envy is ignorance; that imitation is suicide” (Emerson 370). John Knowles’ A Separate Peace, perfectly shows the results of envy and imitation at a boys’ preparatory school, Devon, in 1943. The novel’s narrator and protagonist, Gene Forester, tells his story as a flashback of his days at the Devon School. He is first known for his academic skills and following of the rules, but later allows his insecurities and jealously drive him to make transgressions that will follow him for the rest of his life. A Separate Peace perfectly shows the results of how envy and imitation affect Gene, his relationship with Finny, and Gene’s achievement of peace.
The story “The Things They Carried” by Tim O’Brien is an enormously detailed fictional account of a wartime scenario in which jimmy Cross (the story’s main character) grows as a person, and the emotional and physical baggage of wartime are brought to light. The most obvious and prominent feature of O’Brien’s writing is a repetition of detail. O’brien also passively analyzes the effects of wartime on the underdeveloped psyche by giving the reader close up insight into common tribulations of war, but not in a necessarily expositorial sense.. He takes us into the minds of mere kids as they cope with the unbelievable and under-talked-about effects or rationalizing
Sometimes the longest and toughest journeys are inside one’s mind; and although others cannot notice them instantly, they change personalities profoundly. Dan, the main character, is a gymnast-student for Berkley University, California. His life seems perfect, he has everything he wants: friends, girls, good grades, his talent and passion for gymnastics and the strive to go to the Olympics. Until he meets Socrates. Socrates is a gas station attendant who leaves a mark in Dan’s memory right from the beginning. When they start to get to know each other, Dan understands that he’s nothing but a fool, and that he needs Socrates’s guidance to wake up and reach a deeper state of knowledge, a state of enlightenment.
For my book project I read the book Way of the Peaceful Warrior, by Dan Millman. Set in Berkeley California, Dan Millman a college student struggles to find the part of himself that has always been missing. One night while out walking from his dorm, Dan comes across a gas station and a strange man that is soon to turn his life upside down. This man, known as Socrates, shows Dan a side of existence that only few people had ever seen. To become a warrior like Socrates and have the mind to not allow the regular struggles of life to control a single part of you. Socrates takes Dan in and tries to create a warrior from a young star athlete with the ignorance of every other human on this earth. Through his
Pacifism is the belief that violence is not the way to resolve differences. They believe that war can be avoided and that there are better and longer lasting solutions to disputes.
Political violence is the leading cause of wars today. Personal agendas have led to many of the political objectives that cause violence today this has caused many problems throughout the world and will continue to do so until a solution to this issue is found. Political objectives have been advanced involuntarily dependent upon the kind of government a nation exercises. For instance, in a democratic nation political groups must worry about convincing the majority in order to advance ethically. Those who try to influence the majority through acts of violence are considered today as “terror” organizations. Though perhaps if it were not because of the recent 9/11 terror attacks that maybe such warrants would not be seen as terror attacks,
1. International conflict among countries is more likely of what we may think. Today there are many different ongoing conflicts. International conflict is a stage of opposition, disagreement or incompatibility between two or more states (Malek). The term "international conflict" referred to conflicts between different nations and conflicts between people and organizations in different nations (Mr. Turetzky lec 11). It also applies to inter-group conflicts within one country when one group is fighting for independence or increased social, political, or economic power. International conflicts can be divided into two branches: private international conflict and public international conflict. A private international conflict is a disagreement
Peaceful resistance to laws positively impacts a free society. Rather than having violent movements and harming citizens, it is better to peacefully resist. Once a violence is used, the resistance to the law becomes nulled. People tend to not follow a violence protester. Once a violent riot starts, chaos is everywhere. People forget what they are truly fighting for. They unconsciously run away with the fear of getting harmed and dare not to go back. A peaceful resistance on the other hand leads citizens to join and support. People are able to see what they are fighting for and their real intentions. They are able to stand and cause no problem to people passing by as they are showing their support through silent voices. Many famous activists and leaders are for nonviolence. Mahatma Gandhi, a primary leader of India’s independence