
Private Prisons In America

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In America, there are fundamental principles upon which our nation is built. Beliefs that all Americans naturally possess the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness seem all pervasive. Today in America, equality encompasses religion, sexual orientation, race, and everything in between. These values have become so intrinsic to the modern human condition that the mind shirks from the prospect of denying them to anyone. However, it seems that certain areas of American society have become exempt from the moral imperative that is upholding these basic and fundamental rights. It has become brutally obvious that private prisons have failed to respect the humanity of their inmates, which is why the United States Federal Government should …show more content…

Mannix was in an address to Nike, as he was claiming that American prison labor was competitive with Taiwanese child-labor using sweatshops. He went so far in his address as to actually claim that prison labor was a better deal for the corporations due to the products not needing to be shipped overseas. Cheap corporations have found a way to compete with children in Taiwan making twenty five cents an hour: Involuntary prison labor inside prison …show more content…

They profit by putting people in cages, and are responsible for the prisoners getting harsher sentences than they deserve. The cycle of money and power created by PPC’s is unsustainable: The PPC’s lobby in congress, which allows them to get more money, which allows them to lobby more in congress. This lobbying is worsened as more politicians succumb to the allure of riches and reelection, rather than focusing on their obligation to protect their constituents constitutional and human rights. Politicians like Marco Rubio, who reportedly contracted the large Florida PPC GEO Group to house a majority of Florida’s detained immigrants and prisoners for one hundred and ten million dollars (Cohen). This contract came after Rubio was elected to be Speaker of The House in Florida. Rubio’s campaign to become speaker had received over forty thousand dollars from the GEO group, and Rubio had selected a former trustee of the GEO group to he one of his economic advisers

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