
Privatization Leading For World Chaos

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Privatization Leading to World Chaos
Earth’s valuable goods weakening every day, at higher rates that individual people contemplate nothing is happening but in reality is shifting somehow at high degrees that we do not want to concern about the issue but hear all the time. Global warming considered the biggest threat to human beings, for the reason that it can lead to the human extinction and as well to the dead of the ecosystem or in the other words the dead of life existence in the planet earth. The question is who are helping damaging those special resources that individual creature in the world needs. The antipathy is that private corporations and individuals are causing a huge problem to the society then to the precious environmental …show more content…

Well, I had to do simple math 20 gallons of water times 7,381,940,300 world’s population gives me 147,638,806,000 gallons of water waste in just one single year only used by human beings in our daily needs. Without counting the other ways we waste water for example: cooking, drinking, and washing the dishes etc.. As well, not even counting the usage in industry, agricultural, and electrical power. For instance, the authors of the “Blue Gold” acknowledges, “The biggest treat to fresh water is pollution from thousands and thousands of factories, industrial farms, and cities that pour or leak pesticides, fertilizers, and herbicides (including nitrates and phosphates), bacteria, medical waste, chemicals, and radioactive wastes in our water.”(28) Given the above information the scariest subject is on how we contaminated and waste water. However, the terrifying issue is that pollutants can come again through air cycle stating that water polluted can polluted itself more our fresh water because what it is getting into the fresh water, aquifers, and rivers etc., is a water waste full of chemicals used by peoples as well for those industries that thrown chemicals into the water but society are not seeing the big picture of what is happening to the water. By the day, the water becomes scarcity for the reason of water pollution then individuals will realize about the fresh water shortage is a realty and is a matter of time only. As the saying, you do

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