
Priyanka Chopra Controversy

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Priyanka Chopra's tank-top for a magazine cover creates a storm on social media Celebrities are like demi-gods for fans. Anything they do, say, or wear is copied by their followers insanely. Being a powerful figure and an icon for the people, they fail to realize that their act, words, or attire may drag them into the centre of storm. Though they do so inadvertently, their conduct becomes an issue for debate. Priyanka Chopra has become the hot topic of debate recently when she shot for a cover page of a travel magazine, Conde Nast Traveller. Though the cover page is not obscene, the reason of her being in the middle of the controversy is the top she is wearing which has four words out of which “Refugee,” “Immigrant,” and “Outsider,” are struck off in red, whereas “Traveller” is intact and clear. As soon as the magazine was out, there was a huge uproar on social media. Many Twitteratis found it insensitive and reckoned that nobody becomes a refugee out of choice. While Priyanka has not given any explanation on her top, the magazine spokesperson came forward and clarified that the wordings on the top has been interpreted wrongly and their intention has not reach to the people. They gave this statement in defense of the controversial top, At Condé Nast Traveller, we believe that the …show more content…

We must demand a world free of racism and bigotry and prejudice so that we—and generations after us—may enjoy all the abundance that travel offers, the beauty of the world that is open and rich and diverse in its people and cultures and geographies. And we must, in the midst of our many differences, find and celebrate our commonalities, our oneness. We must recognise that we are all on a journey. Whether we are moving across oceans or just a few kilometres, or in our mind’s eye, into a completely different world, whether we are doing so due to free will or circumstance—we are all

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