
Pro And Cons : Pros And Cons Of Social Media

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Pros and Cons of Social Media Social Media is a place on the internet where someone can talk or interact with friends, family and/or associates. There are various types of social media and different ways of accessing it. People can go on social media through a phone, computer, tablet, or even a smart watch and there are many different types of social media like Snapchat, Facebook, and Instagram. Decades ago, the most anyone had was a phone to call someone else on but the phone was connected to a wall. There are pros and cons to social media like talking to family members and entertainment, which are pros while the cons are fake advertisements and cyberbullying. Firstly, one of the pros of social media is being able to connect to family and …show more content…

Some of these social media sites also let people comment and like these photos and videos so their fan base can show love and support for their website. On top of that, you can share most of these funny links with other social media websites. The first reason why social media is bad is fake advertisements. There are many scammers on social media and most of them are good at pulling people into their fake advertisements. The reason most people are pulled into fake advertisements is something called click bait. Clickbait is when a webpage pulls you into the website by showing off something that peaks interest in the viewer but is usually fake. These types of websites usually show off computers or phones that are free, but require people to input personal information like name, phone number, home address, and email. After that, the people operating the website could do one of three things. One would be constantly sending spam emails and mail to your home or workplace. The second would be sending a virus to the electronic you used to access the website. In addition, the third would be using your information to purchase stuff. In addition, the second con would be cyber-bullying. Being a victim of cyberbullying is one of the most common and terrifying things anyone can go through. Most cyberbullies are usually people who are self-conscious and get off on

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