
Pro Choice Views On Abortion

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On the issue of abortion, there are two predominant stances: pro-choice and pro-life. The pro-choice stance holds that abortion and abortion clinics should be legal in most cases, assuming the pregnancy isn’t too far along. The pro-life stance holds that most, if not all, abortions are morally wrong. Typically, the pro-life stance brings in a religious belief, but that won’t be discussed. I believe that a person legally has a right to their own body, and I can’t dictate what they do with it however morally wrong I may see it. The pro-choice position’s main argument is that illegalizing abortions takes away rights from the mother. Referring back to the textbook, this is the argument that if a famous artist’s kidney failed, nobody is legally bound to give them their kidney. Additionally, people in the pro-choice position don’t view the fetus as a child at conception. It’s a clump of cells that can’t experience pain or live on their own, so nobody has a duty to protect or raise it. People in the pro-life position argue against this by saying that the fetus has the potential to become a child, so we have a duty to protect it and raise it to be a person. A derivative of this argument is to reserve the most human life. The issue with this is once that distinction is made, what makes rape wrong? If rape occurs, there’s potential for a child, too. Overall, pro-choice people believe that a mother’s rights and ability to make decisions outweighs the rights of a fetus.
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