
Pro Life Advertisement Analysis

Decent Essays

The ad above displays a fetus on three-fourths of the page on the left side. The statement "TAKE MY HAND NOT MY LIFE" is written in semi big letters on the right side. The words "TAKE MY" are in white letters. The word "HAND" is in blue letters and is noticeably bigger than both the first line and the third line. And the words "NOT MY LIFE" are slightly smaller than the first two words and are in yellow. Near the end of the page, on the right lower side it says "LIVEACTION.ORG". The statement is centered to the right while the fetus takes most of the page. The words are capitalized so that they do not get lost. The background is nothing but black. The fetus, on the other hand is colorless, it is almost transparent. The features on the fetus lack detail but they make it distinguishable as …show more content…

They are an organization that "specializes in investigating reporting and providing fresh analysis about the abortion industry..."("live action". n.p. Web. 3 Sept. 2015). This particular ad is Pro-Life and the web site is all about promoting life and protecting human rights. It is obvious that the picture is trying to create some kind of reaction. The ad relies on the sole effect of Pathos. The ad portrays pathos because it is targeting a very diverse audience, that being said it is meant to spark a reaction in both pro-life and pro-choice advocates. The audience is prone to disagree with the reaction of the ad but the point is very clear. The main appeal of the ad is to try to change the minds of the pro-choice believers in to not aborting and keep the pro-life believing that abortion is a mistake. By adding a picture of a fetus they are personalizing it and making the viewer not only see a fetus but they are making it seem innocent in a sense that plays well with their words. Anyone who sees this ad can understand exactly what it is trying to say. The word choice was made very clear so that the audience was not

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