There were many reasons the Southern States cried secession and often they exerted this. Southern states viewed slavery as a constitution right and slaves as property and commodity over the humility this shadowed. The north viewed slavery as in humane and that all men should be free as written in the constitution. These different views clashed when new territories in the west were forming. The Southern sates seen this as an opportunity, to establish pro-slavery states in California and New Mexico. The president elect Zachary Tailor revealed his new ideas of slavery and the western states to congress. Congress did not want to pick a fight with the fire eaters so they quickly made California and New Mexico states and have their state government
There are many other reasons that the south seceded from the union but those are just a few. The differences in economies, the protective tariff act, and the Election of 1850. Even though not all of the people of the south wanted to secede from the union, they still did, which eventually lead to the Civil War of the United
The election of Lincoln in November 1860 was the final trigger for secession.[74] Efforts at compromise, including the "Corwin Amendment" and the "Crittenden Compromise", failed. Southern leaders feared that Lincoln would stop the expansion of slavery and put it on a course toward extinction. The slave states, which had already become a minority in the House of Representatives, were now facing a future as a perpetual minority in the Senate and Electoral College against an increasingly powerful North. Before Lincoln took office in March 1861, seven slave states had declared their secession and joined together to form the Confederacy.
DBQ 10: What Caused Secession? The controversy of slavery led the southern states to secede from the US in 1860 and 1861 in many different ways. One of the ways was in Doucement 2 which was a speech giving by Albert Gallatin Brown on September 26, 1860 showing that the southern and northern states loathed each other...
Southerners had the choice to not seceded and remain with the Union but, they didn't and they made a small probably become a civil war. This is one big difference between the South and the Colonists. The South seceded for other reasons also for one, the election of Abraham Lincoln. Back before the election James Buchanan was the president having no force, power, or backbone he caused irate anger in the Democratic party causes them to split. As a result of the seperation of the party President Lincoln was elected. Southerners were very angry because not only were they pro slavery but, they despised
Southern states left the Union because they thought they had more power than the Federal Government. “Many Southerners favored secession as part of the idea that the states have rights and powers, which the federal government cannot legally deny”(Doc 5). This means that Southerners thought that the Federal Government could not deny their right to have slavery so they left. Southern states left the Union because Abraham Lincoln banned slavery and it was their only way to make a
American politicians were obsessed with whether territories that were won from Mexico should prohibit or permit slavery both during and after the war. The Democratic party led by Andrew Jackson always said they defended the rights of the common man. Although the south did not really abide by these policies that helped the common man whether they were black or white. The north was afraid if slavery was allowed in southern states such as Texas that plantation owners that had money would buy all the new land leaving almost nothing for the not so wealthy farmers. New plantations in states like Texas, Kansas and Missouri were more populated with black prople.
1. Slavery and the slave trade was not a new development in mid-fifteenth century Africa. Instances of slavery before then have been recorded. For example, Ibn Battuta was greeted by a large number of female slaves when he travelled to Mali in the mid-fourteenth century and ‘Blue Men’ – African slaves – were being sent to European countries like Ireland as early as 859. Some historians believe that slavery happened on a smaller scale in Africa before the Atlantic slave trade because was not central to economy at the time.
It then also sparked four more states to secede which included, Virginia, Arkansas, North Carolina, and Tennessee. The four states that seceded last believed that Lincoln was not a right fit for the United States and believed he made the wrong call on slavery in the new states. These states feared that if new states were being added to the union as free states that soon, they would try to take slavery away from the states that already had slavery in their states. The states that seceded wanted to be on their own and wanted their own functioning government because they had disagreed with the one they had. However, their intention were to keep slavery.
South Carolina also accused the Northern states of instigating “a war [that would] be waged against slavery until it shall cease throughout the United States,” (South Carolina) through the election of Abraham Lincoln as president. In Georgia’s declaration of secession, the reasons for secession are cited as “numerous and serious causes of complaint” (Georgia) against the non-slave holding states that were centered on “the subject of African slavery” (Georgia). In Mississippi, the consensus in the same; Mississippi’s position in the issue “[was] thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery” (Mississippi) and goes to list many reasons pertaining to slavery for its secession, most notably 1) The North “has made combinations and formed associations to carry out its schemes of emancipation” (Mississippi), 2) “has nullified the Fugitive Slave Law in almost every free State in the Union” (Mississippi), and 3) “advocates negro equality” (Mississippi). For these as well as other reasons all pertaining to slavery, the Confederate States seceded from the Union. In the Southern States, as seen through the declarations of secession from the Confederate States, the people, along with the governments of those states all supported secession based on issues arising from the conflict over slavery.
First off, the way they declared secession and proceeded to do so was illegal. To begin with everyday we recite the pledge of allegiance where it states, “one nation, indivisible”. Those southerners recited the same pledge we did and they recited themselves that this union is indivisible. Next, under the constitution of the United States of America secession was and always will be considered illegal because of Article 10 Section 1. In this part of the constitution it was illustrated that, “No state shall enter into any treaty, alliance, or confederation….”. The southern states obviously did not follow that and violated the constitution they agreed to abide by themselves. When they concurred to join the Union they agreed to join an indivisible nation. Nowhere could they make a complaint worthy enough to try to separate for the states that they agreed to join, but of course they tried to with the controversial subject of slavery.
The slave states decided to secede, because they believed that the government would abolish slavery which was a violation of their rights. The government wasn’t able to protect these rights, so they had the right to secede from the government and make one of their own. According to the constitution, if the government didn’t protect their right to own slaves, then the south was allowed to leave and form a government of their own that would ensure their rights and allow slavery. They believed that the government’s values were northen oriented and that they were just against the south. Slavery was only to limited not eliminated, but the south would not
The controversy over slaves ultimately led to the secession. Abraham Lincoln thinks slavery is wrong and he wants to stop it from spreading. Earlier, he had warned that slavery could separate a nation. In the 1860 election Lincoln is elected, but southerners are worried he will end slavery forever. Southern states start to secede because they are worried. First South Carolina succeeds, then North, Texas, and then Florida too. They give themselves a new name called the Confederate States of America. (Wise...)
The United States had been divided during the 1850s surrounding the production and taxes for cotton and the rights of slave owners. North viewing slavery as an abomination and the south seeing it as an astonishing thing. Slavery was the cause of the southern states deciding to secede from the Union in 1860 and 1861. The events that led the southern states to secede from the Union in 1860 and 1861 were the Fugitive Slave Law, the narratives of slavery and The Election of 1860.
The secession of South Carolina on December 20, 1860, by a vote of 169-0 was a response to the election of Abraham Lincoln of 1860. Lincoln perceived as an abolitionist wanted to contain slavery rather than ending it. The majority party above the Mason-Dixon line were Republicans and below were primarily Democrats and Republicans were viewed as abolitionists. The election of a Republican threatened the South’s status quo. The primary catalyst for secession was based on slavery. Different social cultures and political beliefs developed due to the South’s intimate and reliant relationship on slavery. Southern whites feared the end of slavery and this paranoia was shared among plantation slave owners and white Yeoman farmers. Southern whites felt that the North were threatening the supposed tranquility of the South. The South’s agrarian economy, honor, and independence were believed to be in danger. Slavery was intertwined with the South’s social, cultural, and economic makeup. As a result of slavery, the South developed a paternalistic culture and racial ideology of white supremacy. The perceived notion that the North was influencing it’s political and social beliefs on the South lead them to believe that secession was the only act of self-preservation. The growing differences between the South and North made it difficult to negotiate. This fear was exaggerated and accelerated the South’s eventual implosion. The South believed that without slavery it would self-destruct and
In 1862, President Abraham Lincoln felt that a country that was divided by slavery would not be able to work properly. Before 1862, the southern states, also known as the rebellious states, had seceded from the United States because they did not want to risk a president that would abolish slavery. President Lincoln was able to win the election even without the 12 state votes of slave states because he won by electoral votes. Abraham Lincoln did not like slavery, and this caused southern states to not want to return to the U.S. The States knew that Lincoln was well known for his strong voice against slavery and determination to end slavery. There had been a war in the late 1840s called the Mexican-American War where the southern states fought against Mexico in order to take present-day California, Utah, Nevada, Arizona, Texas, western Colorado, and New Mexico land. The reason behind