
Pro Slavery In The Early 1800s

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In favor of slavery the continuance of the institution of slavery of blacks also meaning opposed to interference with it. Those who defended slavery rose to the challenge. Setting forth the
Abolitionists. The supporters of Slavery included economics, history, religion, legality, social good, and even humanitarianism, to further their arguments.
Pro- Slavery Argument
What was once called a necessary evil by white southerners, due to the legacy that was passed down from pass generations? Slavery in the early nineteenth century had no need to be defended due to there being no attack to the institution from the outside. But before in 1830 –
1850 slavery to be seen to be a positive thing. By politicians, intellectuals, and evangelical ministers. After the turning point of …show more content…

But before in 1830 – 1850 slavery to be seen to be a positive thing. By politicians, intellectuals, and evangelical ministers. After the turning point of Nat
Turner’s Rebellion and the abolitionist crusade.
Black people was seen as people who were not made to have freedom. They are naturally inferior to white people and lazy. And freeing them would lead to a widespread of unemployment and chaos and a without them having the controls of slavery there is no way for blacks and whites to collaborate. The word emancipation was the lead to many problems just the thought of seeing a free black person walking around made people skin crawl but not just the southerners, also some northerners. It’s recorded that in the 1850 it was common to hear farmers say that they wish niggers was never here but they still can imagine the thought of seeing them free. In the south black slaves help lower the amount of work that the whites had to perform.
Leading to white men being removed from politics.
People who were for slavery believed that because Jesus did not speak out against slavery mean that it was not a problem. Using bible figures as examples of why slavery is ok,

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