
Problems Faced By The New Industrial City

Satisfactory Essays

Contemporary cities face major problems and certain technologies are employed to address these issues. However, while the technological advancement in these cities resolves the problems to a certain extent, further problems are also created. This essay will argue that this requires a continuous need for constant technological solutions to be created to solve the continual influx of problems. Ultimately, this continuous issue can be solved if our cities move towards achieving a smarter and sustainable world.

An examination of the cause of problems in contemporary cities, and the experiences they underwent once new technologies were introduced, helps people understand what technologies need to be used to address as well as irrevocably solve the problems cities face. The new industrial city demanded swift action and thought, which ultimately divided urban dwellers from themselves. (Latham, McCormack 2008, p. 302) Similarly, a connection can be made between rapid industrialisation, the acceleration of everyday life, and a decline in the quality of collective life. (Latham, McCormack 2008, p. 302) The everyday experience of the industrial city was transformed through the insertion of a variety of new technologies and organisational forms. These transformations generated both new ways of getting on with living in a city and new spatial-temporal imaginaries through which the transformed scale and speed of the industrial city was given structure and sense. (Latham, McCormack 2008,

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