
Problems Faced Solving The Daily Cross Word Puzzle Essay

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Decrecia Nevels PSYC1310: General Psychology 09/07/15 Problem Solving Problems are encountered every day, by everyone. Some problems, such as solving the daily cross word puzzle, are pleasant, while some, like trying to figure out how to get into your house after you have locked yourself out, are stressful. A problem is defined as a question where there is no clear, direct solution or answer. A problem requires some work done on it before a solution can be available. The method of distinguishing a problem, classifying it, recognizing other approaches to resolve said problem is called problem solving. Problem solving also involves selecting a course of action, organizing and implementing the plan, and assessing the outcome. Even though problem solving has been examined and researched, there is still a lot we don’t know in relation to how we tactically labor through problems. With problem solving, different strategies can be used to help find a solution. An example would be analogy heuristic which is using a similar problem from your past and applying the solution to your current. In addition, working backwards is another strategy which simply means finding the answer by starting with the end result and working back to the beginning. Lastly, you can also use means-end analysis which breaks down the current problem into smaller problems and solving them independently ultimately leading to your problem being solved overall. A common problem I am facing at the moment is

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