While there are many articles on Scrapbooking around the Internet, one question I seem to get asked the most is; How Do I Get Started Scrapbooking? I've found very few articles on this subject. However, getting started scrapbooking is not hard at all. Here is how to start your first scrapbook project. Start by gathering some scrapbook supplies. This can be anything that YOU like. A good starting point is some of those loose pictures you have stashed out of the way. I like to try and keep my scrapbooks to one or two themes. For example, one idea might be; "Fourth of July at the Lake." Organize and categorize your scrapbook materials. Scrapbooks can cover any subject you want. If you keep your scrapbook to one or two subjects, then you can probably bypass this step. A scrapbook over a large subject like "Family" can be broken down into manageable categories such as school days, first job, first loves, family vacations, etc. Visualize then Design the …show more content…
Shoe boxes are also good if you're on a budget. Be Yourself. If you're making the scrapbook for yourself, then make it the way you want it! There's no law that says you must make a scrapbook this way or that way. This is the beauty of scrapbooking. Pick one photo to be the main theme of your scrapbook. Think before you cut. New scrapbookers are so excited, they tear into their photo's and start cropping or cutting them out in all types of shapes. Before cutting any photo, have a designated place for it. Makes sure it's going to work in that spot. I prefer to matt the photo rather than cut the photo itself. Don't cut the Polaroids! The chemicals inside can ruin other pictures. Again think about matting and overlays. KISS - Keep It Simple Scrap bookers! Nothing screams "AMATEUR" more than a scrapbook with every design, sticker and decoration imaginable. Stick to a few shapes and designs for each
Another biography I did was about my grandmother. Her name is Tommie Kay Funderburk- Lockett. She was born and raised in Decatur Tennessee just like my mom. Her birthday is April 6th, 1955. When she grew up in the south her family had to live in shacks. They were old houses that didn’t have running water and a bathroom. Her and her sister had to walk a mile to a well and carry buckets of water everyday. They always had to walk back and forth to do it. They had an outhouse outside where they would use the toilet everyday. During her childhood, her and her sibling could stay outside for as long as they want. When it had got dark they had to come back inside. She had thirteen sibling but nine are living. She is the third from the last sibling.
My phone was used to take the photograph of my father. Once i had taken several photos of him in motion I was able to find one suitable to become my artwork. Once I had selected a photo I then uploaded it onto the app ‘Pixlr’, where i was able to add effects and edit the temperature, exposure, contrast and grain of the photo. When i was satisfied with the effects on my artwork using ‘Pixlr’, I uploaded it onto Microsoft Word and used some of the effects to further enhance the
An organizer book has never worked for me; I could not keep up the writing every day. Therefore, I took advantage of the time I spend on bus rides pondering about my day when I get on. I start from when I wake up to when I sleep. I begin inserting activities one by one in my mind, thinking about what I need to eat and what homework I need to finish. Additionally, I force myself to find different ways to complete activity to create the most efficiency. Being organized without using a book has given me satisfaction every day.
If Goldilocks used Adobe Photoshop or Adobe Photoshop Lightroom, she would process her images at least three times to _ nd the "just-right" version. I can hear her saying, "This image is too _ at, this image is too contrast-y, and this image is just right." Using the Goldilocks image-editing method of processing your images several times will result in more interpretations and discoveries as you explore and wander off the beaten path.
Thank goodness for Mrs. Ewing, my high school writing teacher! She taught me how to be a better writer. She is a strict teacher, but she also knows how to make learning fun, and I think that is why I remember some of the things she taught. For instance, my class did thesaurus drills to see who could come up with the best answer to the word she would give us. Also, Mrs. Ewing was diligent about writing examples as a class on the board before giving us our assignments to ensure everyone knew what was expected of them. She creates a fun learning environment for the class to comprehend the various steps to preparing a successful essay.
I decided to go the extra step and make a booklet to hand out at the next reunion. In order to make my project successful, I needed to go to the library to do last minute research. From the back room, I could hear kids coming in and out to get books, talking quietly, but still so full of life. It made me think of my kids and the reason I've spent so much time writing this entire report. I want them to always know where they came from, how they got where they are, and imbed this knowledge into their own children one
My process consisted of rolling the artwork into long, thin tubes of paper. This reflected my learning process. I took pieces of what I had
Are you disorganized? Do you have a hard time keeping files and papers organized? I am one that has a hard time keeping my life organized. Weather I am cleaning out cabinets, closets, or my garage, I have a hard time getting everything organized. Most of the time it’s knowing where to begin. It is also true when it comes to organizing files, pictures, lesson plans on the computer. In today’s world there are so many tools that are being used to keep computer files organized. I have utilized are Scoop.it, Pinterest, and Diigo.
Tracing back, and learning about, the history of your family is a worthwhile thing for anyone to spend some time doing. If this is something that interests you, then there are lots of places that you can find information about your ancestors, with local archives and personal records being good examples. Another prime source of information are gravestone memorials, which can reveal a lot more than you might think that they would do.
Have you ever been confused, or even clueless about what to write about for that paper that’s due? Figuring out what you’re going to write about can sometimes be easier said than done. The writing process can be mentally painful, but the more effort you put in can mean the difference between a bad draft and a well-developed paper. My writing process is very time consuming and sometimes stressful. It’s like having to solve a really long math problem; your head is all over the place at first because you don’t even know where to start. A lot of time that is how I feel right before I begin writing a paper. These papers can often take a lot of time especially when you’re trying to incorporate each stage of the writing process. Self-motivation is
To begin with, a genealogist should always find a process to use along the way. You should talk with your family members and get as much information as you can out of them. For example, I talked to my family and found out that my great, great grandma’s name was Elmer. After that, you should start a family tree with the information you just gathered. I used a tree with four boxes with a line coming out of each leading to two boxes. That is an example of a mother, a father, and up to four children. You can also use internet websites. For example, I went to a site called ansestryclassroom.com and found out when my
Finally, use editing photos software. One of the most popular editing photos software today is Photoshop. With Photoshop, you can make your photos much more beautiful as by
Whether it's through memory loss, aging or sheer forgetfulness, it can be hard to remember your life's To Do list. Life can be so stressful at times that you might want to forget what you need to do. However, if you create a planner, you'll simultaneously free your mind to focus on task completion instead. To create a planner you'll actually use, consider these three tactics.
Intermediate: Use computer software or an online album cover generator to design 3+ versions of an album cover. Design the back cover and/or liner notes. Make sure the size of your image is the right size for a CD or record album.
Scrapbooking Supplies : Before, scrapbooking is a peculiar hobby. Only a few are hooked by it. Thus, scrapbooking supplies are elusive.