
Process and Content Theory of Motivation and How They Apply to the Work Place

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Theories of Motivation - Overview of the Content Theories of Motivation
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1. Yenna Monica D. P.
2. What is MOTIVATION? Derived from the Latin word „MOVERE‟ which means „to move‟ The processes that account for an individual’s intensity, direction, and persistence of effort towards attaining a goal.
3.  Effort - concerns the magnitude or intensity of employee‟s work – related behaviour.  Direction - quality of an employee‟s work – that is the investment of sustained effort in a direction that benefits the employer.  Persistence - concerns the sustained efforts employee manifested in their work- related activities
4. 3 Major Types of Motivation Theories  Content Theories of Motivation WHAT motivates us  Process …show more content…

That is, if a higher-order need is frustrated, an individual then seeks to increase the satisfaction of a lower-order need. Content Theories of Motivation
9. Alderfer’s ERG Theory Frustration – Regression Enough remuneration Provision for health insurance Increasing use of teams and committee‟s ERG Theory Findings: Cultural differences influence needs, needs are influenced by individual‟s Personal values People are motivated by different Needs at different times in their lives.
10. McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y • Taught psychology at MIT. • At Antioch College, McGregor found that his classroom teaching of human relations did not always work in practice. • From these experiences, his ideas evolve and lead him to recognize the influence of assumptions we make about people and our managerial style. Content Theories of Motivation McGregor‟s Theory X and Theory Y – Theory X • Assumes that workers have little ambition, dislike work, avoid responsibility, and require close supervision. – Theory Y • Assumes that workers can exercise self- direction, desire responsibility, and like to work. – Motivation is maximized by participative decision making, interesting jobs, and good group relations.
11. THEORY X THEORY Y • Work is inherently distasteful to most people. • Most people are not ambitious, have little desire for responsibility, and prefer to be directed. • Most people have little capacity for creativity in solving

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