Bad news about foods causing cancer
Did you know when you eat processed food there are chances you can get cancer ? There are chemicals in processed food known as nitrates . These chemicals are put in food to make them last some of the foods that have nitrates are canned tomatoes , tuna, steak, bacon , and hot dogs . The chemicals in the meat are nitrates that are in processed foods that are linked to cancer ,Like processed meats, soda pop has been shown to cause cancer as well. Loaded with sugar, food chemicals, and colorings, soda pop acidifies the body and literally feeds cancer cells. Common soda pop chemicals like caramel color and its derivative 4-methylimidazole (4-MI) have also specifically been linked to causing cancer
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There are unhealthy and health foods that are linked to cancer like soybeans ,they are used for diets and other healthy foods like granola bars . In order for the processed foods to be packed the need to be paced with oils and fat , although those two ingredients are unhealthy . There are the two types of foods the unhealthy and the health , these two foods can both be linked to cancer. The problems with chemicals are just starting , the (EPO) and the (WHO) are both predicting that soon enough the producers will add more of the chemicals to make the food last even longer.
Bad news about foods causing cancer page 2
The deaths of people are increasing , there are about 49,700 people that are in a risk of colon cancer These chemicals help , ill and make people suffer due to those chemicals in processed foods .These chemicals help and hurt the human population, the help us by giving us read to eat foods , although the hurt the human population by causing colon cancer. The two groups known as the (EPA ) and the (WHO) who are still discovering more about the colon cancer problems in the
There are several reasons that someone could become diagnosed with cancer, a couple examples being smoking and their eating habits. Things like pig meat and beef using in hot dogs, bacon, burgers and so on are linked to 18 percent of deaths by cancer. It’s been proven that chemicals that are added to these meats are the reason for the link with cancer. There are 800 studies that went on from a group of 22 scientist from IARC trying to find this direct link between cancer and meat. According to Associated Press, “Based on that analysis, the IARC classified processed meat as cancer-causing, noticing links in particular to colon cancer, but also stomach cancer.”
Food companies are worried less about what people are consuming, and what it is doing to their bodies. Companies are worried more about convenience, cost, and efficiency. Companies making food know with the substantial amount of chemicals that are available companies can stockpile millions of chemicals into one batch of food and make it cheaper, and taste the same. It is becoming extremely convenient for people to go to a gas station grab food filled with chemicals, and leave. Chemicals in food are only going to progressively get more out of
A group of 22 scientist they performed more than 800 studies from countries and the result of all of this studies was published in the journal Lancet Oncology. What has made targeted to these foods are substances that are processed. Nitrates, usually in sausages, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and heterocyclic amines, which are found in meat processed with heat treatment or iron heme, present in red meat, are substances whose intake is already limited and controlled by the legislation but, with this measure, intended to take population awareness about its importance and renew industrial
Ironically many toxins that are put into foods don’t have to be there in the first place. Food is labeled for cholesterol, but not for carcinogens. Canned foods are one example of concern due to the can lining. The linings of the majority of all cans are made with a chemical called BPA
We firmly believe that much of the food that harms the health of present-day generations is rooted in a diet that is highly processed, which is loaded with chemical preservatives and a great source of toxicity.
Human beings survived in the distant past without the usage of these chemicals in our foods and I believe the additives in our foods are there and still not banned mainly because of economics and power and multi million dollar corporations who profit from placing these chemicals in foods that we consume, because the cost of production is lowered so much more for these corporations for exploiting these cheap unhealthy chemicals in the foods people consume and they are the only ones benefiting from placing these harmful chemicals in peoples foods and drinks. It has been proven from the studies mentioned in this paper that food additives and preservatives cause many disorders such as ADHD and I ask myself why are the chemicals still in the foods we eat? while majority of people know that it is unethical to use chemicals in the foods that human beings consume that cause and trigger many problems and disorders in certain people with certain age
Drinking those sugary sodas and other beverages can actually increase your risk of contracting cancer, so you should get rid of them. Foods containing large amounts of calories and carbohydrates will increase your weight, boosting the ability of your cancer to grow further and spread.
With this increase in the productivity of farmers, came a proliferation of food processing industries and fast food restaurants. These food processing industries and restaurants capitalized on the abundant, overly cheap commodity crops to their advantage; to make profit, and to the disadvantage of poor Americans. During processing of these commodity crops, the natural nutrients that give these foods their natural flavors are destroyed. To replace these, food additives and flavorings are added to restore their taste and prolong their shelf life. Often these chemicals contain some harmful elements that affect the way our bodies use food. These highly processed foods, dense in calories,
The article states that “Hopi Indians have had cancer rates of 1 to 1000 as opposed to 1 in 4 of the typical American”. The Native Americans eat grass fed meat, which contains nitrilosides that fight cancer. In America, there “is something in this modern way of raising livestock and poultry that is contributing to cancer.” Americans are eating processed meat, red meat and other foods that are causing them to get cancer. Native Americans are eating quality animal protein, which “often contributes to good health, as in getting critical Vitamin D from Wild Caught Alaskan Salmon.” Americans don’t consume good quality animal protein, which causes more Americans get
Furthermore, having an unhealthy diet provokes cancer. When explaining foods that increase the risk of cancer, the author writes, “Certain chemicals are made when red and processed meats are cooked at high temperatures, such as on a barbecue. These chemicals can damage our cells, making them more likely to become cancerous” (Diet Causing Cancer). Cooking processed meat at a high temperature can create noxious chemicals. If one consumes this type of meat, it is like he/she is smoking a cigarette. The poisonous toxins in the meat infiltrate the body and alter the structure of cells, causing the cells to be cancerous. The author goes on to declare, “Overweight or obese people have an increased risk of pancreatic cancer… because they tend to have higher insulin levels” (Diet Causing Cancer). People who have unhealthy diets are generally overweight or obese. These obese people have a higher level of insulin because their diets consist of large amounts of sugar. Insulin is created in the pancreas. When the pancreas has to “work harder” than usual to
Everywhere you look there is a rising concern for health from these added ingredients. Let’s take a look at tomatoes, Fresh tomatoes are considered to be very good for you and aid to help prevent cancer, the canned ones not so much. Canned processed foods are a concern because of the material the can is made of. The lining of almost all canned foods contain a chemical called BPA. Studies show that BPA affects the way genes work inside the brain. Tomatoes are exceptionally dangerous due to the high acidic level. The acid reacts to the BPA making the chemical transfer into the tomatoes instead of staying in the lining of the can. This is just one example and one type of processed canned foods, there are thousands more. America is the most over fed, under nourished country
Smoking added to excessive alcohol consumption increases the risk of these cancers even more. A maximum of four drinks a day for men and two drinks for women is recommended. Surprisingly enough, frequent consumption of smoked cured and nitrate preserved meats has also been shown to cause cancer. The codes of 249, 250, 251, and 252 on labels of corned beef, bacon, and smoked sausage indicate that the meat has been cured or preserved. These products increase the risk of stomach cancer and should be eaten in moderation. (
In the article, the author is trying to prove that the high amount of dietary sugar in typical western diet would increase the risk of breast cancer and metastasis to the lungs. According to Co-author, Lorenzo Cohen, “Dietary sugar induces 12-LOX signaling to increase risks for breast cancer development and metastasis”. This means that the sugar in western diets, such as soda and fast food causes 12-LOX production to increase, which would also increase the risks for breast cancer and metastasis. When a lot of dietary sugar is consumed, the sugar would have an effect on an enzymatic signaling pathway called 12-LOX which can cause breast cancer. The consumption of sweetened beverages has also increased in the United States, which is a prime contributor to obesity, heart disease, and cancer. The author made the topic more interesting by including the serious diseases that can be caused by the western-sugary diets.
First off what causes cancer? They are called carcinogens. A carcinogen is a substance capable of causing cancer in living tissue. There are plenty of carcinogenic situations that we face everyday. Including the 60,000 chemicals found in our food, air and water. It has been researched that vaccines, processed foods, genetically modified foods, prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications, tobacco, air pollution, fluoridated water, pesticides on produce, herbicides on produce, chlorine and other contaminants found in our water have carcinogenic traits in them. All of these things have the capability to cause cancer. Does everyone that comes into contact with these things get cancer? No, but it is just proven that they can cause it.
Cancer is caused by the mutation of cells into cancer cells, which consume food and grow rapidly. The food they consume comes from what we eat. In general terms, every food