
Professional Codes And Standards Of Practice

Good Essays

In order to resolve any ethical issue, a certain approach to address the case is necessary to reach the solution. Several of the most important techniques is to fully acknowledge the problem by gathering all of the facts, using problem-solving methods, and appealing to professional codes and standards of practice. In this paper, the following scenario will be addressed and analyzed: Professor Xavier is a tenured professor of engineering who teaches at a large institution as a licensed professional engineer. One of his students, Jean Grey, tells him that during an exam for another class taught by Professor Osterman, a classmate named Scott Summers apparently used his phone to take a picture of an exam question and sent it to someone. Jean also tells Professor Xavier that she had informed Professor Osterman about Scott, and then Professor Osterman spoke to Scott about his actions. However, Scott did not face any further consequences resulting from his behavior. Given this situation, the actions of each person will be discussed using ethical theories, along with the application of professional codes of ethics to the responses of Professor Xavier and Professor Osterman, as well as applying the line drawing method to discuss the ethical obligations of both professors. It is essential to point out the actions of each individual in the scenario mentioned and discuss the ethics each person exhibits. It begins with Jean Grey, who first reported the case of Scott Summers cheating on

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