
Professional, Ethical and Legal issues in nursing Essay

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According to American Nurses Association (ANA), (2010) “the nurse promotes, advocates for and strives to protect the heath, safety and right of the patient” (p. 6). Nursing responsibilities should be acted at the highest standard and must be based on legal and ethical obligations. Healthcare provider’s perception and judgment in the patient’s well being as well as taking into account the right of the patient in every action is one of the key elements in nursing practice. International Council of Nurses (ICN), (2006) states “The nurse at all times maintains standards of personal conduct which reflect well on the profession and enhance public confidence” (p. 3). Furthermore, nursing action guided by theory and principles of moral and legal …show more content…

Mrs. Keller, 86 years old was diagnosed with dementia with signs of behavioral problems. She can still walk independently but needs minimum assistance in some basic activities of daily living. Around 3am in the morning during the hourly rounds to check the patients, Mrs. Keller was found by two carers on her bed doubly incontinent. When asked by the carers if they could wash and dress her in clean nightclothes, Mrs. Keller refused and started to be agitated but the care workers insisted. Mrs. Keller was uncooperative and very aggressive during personal care, she showed superfluous challenging behavior during care, but the carers did not listen to Mrs. Keller and yet stay composed, while focusing on their duties of care. Mrs. Keller remained in an agitated state but feels more comfortable and appeased as shown in her behavior after the care was given. Decision making and best interests of the patient in the care for people with mental health problems are one of the main concerns in nursing practice. Healthcare professionals should be knowledgeable enough to practice the legal code regarding decision making and protection of the patient with mental health problems (NMC, 2008). Focusing on dementia, it is not constantly possible to involve the dementia sufferers in the decision making course of their care without encouragement and assistance by

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