
Professional Experience Research Paper

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•Twenty years: University Educator, Instructional Designer, Creative Consultant. •Traditional face to face and online environments. •Spearheaded: integrative, interdisciplinary courses in the Humanities and Art History •Blackboard LMS experience. •Designed highly interactive instructional materials: enhanced critical thinking skills of students. • Students habituate the patterns, demeanors learned in the classroom to academic and professional life. •Easily adapted, applied new educational technology to the online and traditional classroom. •Continuously researching new educational technology for the best educational experience of the student. •Experienced: Microsoft Office, Adobe Creative Suite, and …show more content…

Art History, Core Curriculum, Integrative, interdisciplinary course, Traditional, Hybrid The students are able to synthesize how arts, science, politics, technology, and society have inspired and supported one another through mankind's history.

Introduction to Graphic Design Students developed the critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity skills necessary to be the successful graphic designer.

1999 to 2010 Robert Morris University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Research and Argumentation, (AP high school, The Pittsburgh Public Schools) Toulmin Model of Argumentation. Students habituate the patterns, demeanors learned in the classroom to academic and professional life.

Reading and Writing Strategies Accentuated language as discourse, Language as it relates to, and is shaped by social practices. Students habituate the patterns, demeanors learned in the classroom to academic and professional life.

2003 to 2005 The Pittsburgh Public Schools Pittsburgh,

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