The professional meeting I attended was in Bower Thompson Student Union, Lenhart Grand Ballroom in Bowling Green State University on November 4th, 2016. The meeting or webinar I attend was from 12:30 to 1:30 pm. The title of the meeting was Meeting the Challenge: Hunger, Food, and Health Initiatives. The speaker of the meeting was Colleen Spees who is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN), Fellow of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (FAND) and she also has a Philosophæ Doctor degree (PhD). Before I attended this meeting I had three objectives in particular. The first one was to see how seminars look like in America. Due to fact that I have attended a lot of seminars in Mexico I wanted to compare them and see the things they have
In this essay I will concentrate on inter-professional collaboration which is cornerstone for providing better care to patients. I will try to examine some benefits and opportunities, while identifying the barriers and issues to effective collaborative work between employees. Throughout my essay I will be using LEARN format for better reflection on my clinical practice, my thoughts and feeling. As a nursing student in Early Identification team which is focused on maternal and children’s health, I will discuss my experience as being a part of this team.
member and made aware that these meeting are held to reiterate plans know to all members ahead of time. It was also explained to me that new employees are to keep their talking points brief so that their ideas can be assimilated by all employees. I was not aware of these guidelines and I’d like to discuss some modifications that can be done to ensure future new hires are not blindsided and are thoroughly prepared for meetings and other procedures beneficial for excellent job performance.
I want to attend the SNMA Conference to learn about and discuss any improvements in medical education as well as learn how physician advocacy plays a role in health care and if there are any initiatives/programs to better improve patient career. I should attend the conference because I'm considering a 5-year MD/MPH track, so this conference would be an eye opener and my first introduction into the public health sector.
The counselor met Reynaldo for his scheduled individual session. Mr. Reynaldo denies any substances use this week. Reynaldo and I went over the AA meeting scheduled for the 24hour group in his community. Reynaldo agreed to attend two AA meeting by our next individual session. Reynaldo denies any HI/SI during the session. Reynaldo appears to be in the contemplation stage of change as evidenced by him continued to seek recovery. The counselor next individual session with Mr. Ventura is on Tuesday September 8, 2015 at 2:30pm.
This is a reflective essay based on my attendance at a multidisciplinary team (MDT) meeting whilst on my two-week placement at a local mental health day hospital. The aim of this essay is to discuss the importance of the multidisciplinary team within the mental health environment and discuss factors that can influence the success or failure of multidisciplinary teams.
When I first heard that we were required to attend a twelve-step meeting, I was convinced that it would be an uncomfortable and frightening experience. In my mind, I saw addicted people as dysfunctional and lost individuals who were complete opposites of anyone in my life. I decided to attend an A.A meeting and once I walked through the doors, I realized I had been wrong. This is real evidence on how society’s stigma may be affecting our worldview very effectively in topics such as drugs and addiction.
As a special education teacher I am involved in numerous meetings, in some of those meetings I have noticed that words, cultures and back grounds can impact the tone and outcome of the meeting. For some parents meeting with a room full of teachers can be intimidating. All too often the meeting consists of educated, white females. I am often the first African American teacher the student or parents have had interactions with. I can remember sitting in an IEP meeting for an hour when everyone had left the room besides me and the parent, I asked again if she had any questions or concerns. The parent asked, “What does all this mean for my child?” This parent sat in a meeting for an hour and had no idea what was being said nor did she feel comfortable
During the semester I attended different 12 step program in the South Bronx in churches around my community. Firstly, most of the people that attends to the meeting are Latinos. I was surprised to observe many Latinos in the meeting. My experience is that Latinos does not believe in mental health treatment. However, the room was filled of male adult’s Hispanics. The first time, I greeted the speaker who explained me how the meeting will progress. The meeting starts with a pray, and a brief introduction of each of the participants, just the name and the reason they are in the meeting. The speaker informed me as a group they focused on the abstinence and positive thinking for the most part. AA is trying to promote the idea of a superior believe
During my visit to my EDHE 105 teacher’s office, she encouraged me to attend two meetings for two organizations on campus. One was Alpha Epsilon Delta (AED), a health profession based honors society, and the other was the American Medical Student Association (AMSA), a student lead, pre-medical organization aimed towards helping better prepare students for medical school. I was unfortunately busy during the time of the AED meeting and could not attend, but I was free during the AMSA meeting and decided to see what it was like. At first, I was skeptical about going to the meeting, because I knew that I would not know anyone else there. I was even more nervous about it when I saw how many people actually showed up, knowing that I still did not know anyone.
Every school district has board meetings throughout the school year. Unfortunately, many parents, community members, & school personnel do not attend such important meetings because they don’t realize or understand the importance of such board meetings or how informative they can be. According to Kankakee School District (2017), the Kankakee School District Board of Education is composed of seven elected members, who were elected by the citizens of Kankakee to serve a four-year term that do not receive no salary for they services, are committed to ensuring a quality of educational excellence that will enhance the opportunities and challenges facing today’s student and additional responsibilities that board members include are selection of the District superintendent, developing general polices according to wishes of the community and requirements of law, hiring school personnel based upon recommendation of the Superintendent and the Assistant Superintendent of Personnel, adopts salary schedules, approves funds to finance school operations, must adopt and review the annual operating budget for the District, and setting the property tax levy to produce adequate funds to meet the District’s financial needs ranks among the responsibilities of the Board of Education (Retrieved from For this paper, the Kankakee School District board meeting will be used, information learned from board meeting, use of
Our meeting with PwC for the 2016 Continuous Quality Improvement Project (CQIP) for the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on school students with disability (NCCD) is on 21th November, Monday at 11.00 am. I am not sure if Lutfullah bey would like to attend the meeting as well. We will be bringing different cases from four different campuses, our NCCD flow chart and 2015&2016 NCCD list for all campuses.
The process of running a group therapy session is a unique time to tests a person’s skills abilities when it comes to facilitating that group. This paper will mainly look at ways when it comes to my learning's of this class that I took ways; I will also show examples and skills to run a good group therapy session. This whole paper is a reflection of the many things that I took was on being an active group counselor facilitator.
While discussing the questions from the third personal persona conference we came to a few conclusions. One of those things is the way that all three of us communicate to people and groups such as current and future employers, our group, and other students are relatively the same. Some of those ways that all three of us said that we communicate is through job fairs, work, LinkedIn, email, meetings, and group chats. In regards to appearing the way we intend to appear rather than appearing unprofessional or not up to any of our standards there are a few things we agreed on. Those things include keeping things such as political views off platforms such as LinkedIn and Facebook, always acting professional when we are meeting with our Eller groups,
Unfortunately Dr. Kate, I have to be at a job training from 8am-4pm tomorrow so I will not be able to make it to the seminar. Can we make arrangements to meet another day that may be convenient for you? I'm sorry that I am just getting back with you, but my field instructor at Employment Connection has been out on vacation and I'm still waiting for his supervisor to approve my practicum.
Teamwork is the joint action by a group to complete a given task. This was displayed by group 20 as each member contributed their individual knowledge and skills towards the team as well as the course objective.