Professional Profile
I enjoy working to targets and a confident communicator who has prior experience of maintaining existing client relationships while generating new ones. I started my career as a CSR Executive and I have more than seven years experience in working with older people and people with disabilities.
My experience has been varied and I have built a consistently successful track record in three different industries. With my passion for serving the community, I have produced many PR campaigns to make awareness and empower the differently-able community as a freelance journalist.
Volunteering and Special Projects
2009 – 2013 “We are family Fund” – Projects to empower people with disabilities
2010- 2013 “My Friend” -
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i Lankans and Australian Government institutes
Convert written materials from Sinhalese/ English into English/ Sinhalese, such as legal documents, official letters, internet information or publications for the above-mentioned institutes
Edit and proofread text to accurately reflect language
Facilitate communication for Sri Lankans with limited English proficiency
Editor/ Content Creator (Part-time)
Melbourne Style Watch by Iconic Image Group (Feb 2016 – Present)
Operation and editorial support for the fashion and lifestyle magazine (Editing, structuring, articles writing, coordinating, marketing, promotions, subscriptions handling and advertising)
Website/ Social Media restructuring, updating, contents creating and content management
Script writing and creative support for videos
Event management support for the charity fundraising programs
Event coverage for newsletters and live personnel interviews
Assistant Stylist (Casual)
STYLED BY Ramzy (Jan 2016- Present)
Continually survey and researches for new designers, make-up artist and sourcing on behalf of the stylist
Media databases updates and maintenance
Coordination for production of fashion shows, photo shoots and art-related events liaising with different international brands
Handling consultation bookings and general office administrative tasks
Writing and update the stylist’s website/ fashion blog and make sure all the clients/ sponsors are properly credited in the publications
Using examples relevant to your discipline, define professional identity as it relates to health and human services delivery and discuss and consider how industry, professional and quality agencies guide the provision of safe and effective patient or client care in your discipline.
I would like to introduce you to Mary B. It is a fictitious name. She is 39 years old and has been a registered nurse for the last 15 years. Mary is married and has got two children aged 7 and 10 years old. She is a New Zealand European and was born in New Zealand. As a registered nurse Mary has been working in the hospital setting and the rest home. All her working life so far was connected to the elderly care. Her current role is a hospital nurse in the geriatric recovery ward. Most of Mary’s work is basic nursing care for elderly people (65 years old and over) after surgeries, rehabilitation. Also they provide palliative care for people in the end of their lives. Mary and her colleagues are involved in doing blood transfusions, wound
Throughout this assignment I will be carrying out an in-depth case study of Stylist magazine. This will encompass a detailed analysis of the key aspects of the fashion publication; covering its history, target audience and ownership to ABC figures and competitors.
• “Guardians are concerned citizens who trust authority, join groups, seek security, prize gratitude, and dream of meting out justice”
What does it mean to be human, and how do we as nurses provide care to our patients? According to Jean Watson “The future of nursing is tied back to Nightingales sense of calling guided by a sense of commitment and covenantal ethic of human service; cherishing our phenomena, our subject matter and those we serve. It is when we include caring and love in our work and our life we discover and affirm that nursing, like teaching is more than just a job but a life giving and life receiving career for a lifetime of growth and learning” (Watson, J. 1978). There have been many different
Bohart, A. C., Greenberg, L. S., Elliot, R., & Watson, J. C. (2011). Empathy. Psychotherapy , 48 (1), 43-49.
Professional presence is something of a nebulous concept. Before this course, I honestly never considered what it was and how my nursing practice was defined by it. During my journey through this course I discovered what it truly meant. “Presence is an intersubjective encounter between a nurse and a patient in which the nurse encounters the patient as a unique human being in a unique situation and chooses to spend her/himself on the patient’s behalf’’ (Wingate, 2007). Presence defines how a person interacts with those around them, and particularly in the healthcare field, it’s incredibly important.
The company named as Too Smooth is an umbrella organisation that supplies the entertainment industry as more than just a dictionary for business and self promotion, at the same time serving it sister and daughter companies and sub contractors from sales of equipment and products, including hire of equipment and installations. You can advertise your company at website: or advertise in the Catalogue for an additional fee, which gets sent out by email
The Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary defines professionalism as the conduct, aims, or qualities that characterize or mark a profession or a professional person. Yet the White Paper on Pharmacy Student Professionalism says it is displaying values, beliefs and attitudes that put the needs of another about your personal needs. There is still another definition. The Medical Professionalism Project says professionalism is the basis of medicine's contract with society. It demands placing the interests of patients above those of the physician, setting and maintaining standards of competence and integrity, and providing expert advice to society on matters of health. In my opinion, a person's attitude, values, and behaviors
The problem that “THE FASHION CHANNEL” (TFC) faces is the selection of the right market segmentation and positioning strategy in order to maintain its position as a leader in fashion related networks, in addition to boosting its advertising sales and viewership ratings.
After showing the segmentation and target market that Vogue is focused on, we will study the positioning strategy that Vogue use. Positioning is defined as"the relative perceptul position of one brand usually compared with competing brands altough arrange of positioning approaches are possible to achieve" (Pickton and Broderick, 2005). Vogue has its own identity; its brand sets it apart from other magazines. It is the most valuable high fashion magazine, continuing to position itself as both unique and authentic. They have developed relationship marketing, defined as "Marketing with the conscious aim to develop and manage long-term and/or trusting relationsips with customers, distributors, suppliers, or other parties in the marketing environment". It focuses on the best designers, fashion photographers and models in order to retain its core customer- stylist women. Vogue tries to provide added value,so the brand has prices that are not cheap, investing in creativity and focusing on quality. They try to create a consitent marketing mix rto have a long-term relationship with the target market, and they try to crea
It is this approach by the government, over the years, which has shifted the views on teacher professionalism. The erosion of creativity and autonomy reduces the need to reflect and as the ATL states ‘Review and reflection may be pointless in an environment where the teacher is or feels powerless to innovate, where decisions and changes are always imposed from above.’
For the longest time I could not decide on a major and a career to study throughout college. When I came to Georgia Southern University I discovered that they had a major that was very interesting to me. Sport Management id the ideal major for my interest and me. Since I love sports I figured that this would be the career for me. A degree in Sport Management helps to prepare for success in sport related occupations.
Choosing a career in medicine is my first career choice, and in many ways it is the only career choice I want. From professional athletes that we see on television, to the educators that have taught me and many others through the years, they all have committed themselves to extensive study. They have practiced countless of hours to master their individual skill set for their profession. I see myself following in the same footsteps, but as a pediatrician. I want to also master the skills that it takes to be a great doctor. It may not be simple and the outcome may not be near, but with extensive studying and practice I want to achieve and master the set of skills of pediatric diagnosis and eventually improve the medical process. This is my
Today we live in a world driven by relationships, first impressions and visual communication. As human beings we have a tendency to instinctively allow ourselves to react by what we see and feel at a specific moment, making such reaction unpredictable and capriciously volatile. Studying relationships is of extreme importance because when we understand why public and individuals react to stimuli in a certain way, we can try to manipulate the outcome. This is why Public Relations plays a crucial role in the fashion industry as it is a field of work that is driven by consumers needs and desires. By understanding the targeted audience, we can actually control commercial, marketing, and creative outcomes of a specific fashion organization. This piece of writing will explain and analyse the role and importance of public relations and Communication in the Fashion Industry.