
Professional Soldier : A Review

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Professional Soldier: A Review of the Army Profession SSG Jordan Rickard Advanced Leader Course, Phase 1, Class 003 MSG Paula Doane April 26, 2017 Professional Soldier: A Review of the Army Profession “I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic…” From the second a civilian takes the steps to raise their right hand to coming out of Basic Combat Training as a United States Soldier they have put trust into an organization to ensure safety, security and insurance not only for the Soldier, but the families that are along for the ride. Behind the scenes are Army professionals taking care of all administrative concerns to alleviate stress on …show more content…

Maintaining the public’s trust can become a balancing act and we must re-earn their trust every day by living the Army’s ethic. Being able to live the Army’s ethic is becoming ever so difficult with budget and personnel cuts which is bringing down the morale of the organization. Leaders are facing challenges to balance the organization to do more work with less personnel. The first way strategic leaders are working to create balance is defining the role of strategic leaders, the sergeants major, colonels, and general officers in the four fields of expertise (listed above) and our operational future (Army White Paper, page 9). The second area we must balance is the Army’s culture and climate and its institutional practices. With the “do more with less” mindset, leaders are facing a hardship retaining the hard charging Soldiers the organization is looking for. We need to create a balance at all echelons that creates commitment, satisfaction and the well-being of our Soldiers and their families. If a Soldier wants to make the military a lifelong career, strategic leaders must set controls in place for Soldier development, evaluation, certification, and duty assignments to motivate professionals as the Army’s culture evolves. The saying, “history repeats itself”, is a constant reminder that the Army’s culture is a cycle of wartime and peacetime operations. History covers

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