As a representative of the school during my assigned fieldwork placement, I understand that professionalism in every industry is important, and will adhere to the dress code and appearance guidelines enforced by the school and/or clinical sites. In my previous vocation, as a customer service representative, the appropriate dress code was casual business attire. While volunteering at the two facilities the dress code was modest, casual attire and we were not permitted to wear jeans, sweat pants, shorts or open-toed shoes. I have never been reprimanded by supervisors for violating the dress or grooming guidelines in a workplace. Do not foresee a problem in the future, seeing as I easily adapt to a new situation, and would never do anything to
Relevant legislations that have an impact on this issue are the labour code of Canada. In the code it states that ‘the employer is responsible for making decisions about dress codes, uniforms, and other clothing requirements’ (Government of Ontario, Ministry of Labour). Although an employer is responsible for making the decisions about dress codes, it can not violate a collective agreement within the workplace, Ontario Human Rights Code, or the Occupational Health and Safety Act (Government of Ontario, Ministry of Labour). This means that what dress code the employer sets it must follow the codes in the Ontario Human Rights Code and the Occupational Health and safety Act states. Comparing this law set in the Ontario Ministry of Labour to the
The dress code is highly strict this year and I have asked the principal why this is so, he replied, “We are trying to prepare you students for jobs in the future”. I understand his explanation and concerns but why would we dress incorrectly for the occupations that we need in the future. According to these dress codes, students are not allowed to wear athletic slides, flip flops, head scarves, hair styles must be neat, and clothing must be clean. These are some examples I feel that discriminates against some students
The purpose of this paper is to offer a summary and synthesis of some of the more recent research regarding implementing mandatory dress codes. The tradition of nursing attire has changed over the years. The history of nursing uniforms includes wearing solid white skirts, shoes, and white cap. These white garments typically signified nursing roles and differentiated nurses from other staff members. Common questions that arise within medical institutions includes: what are the advantages of implementing mandatory dress codes? Should nurses be required to wear traditional white uniforms? Should personal individuality be preserved? How will patient care be impacted? Regardless of the point of view, most positions tend to agree that
Showing a little bit of midriff isn’t as bad as some of these examples because everyone has a stomach and it’s less of a distraction to the learning environment than these other types of clothing. This shows that showing a little skin isn’t gonna hurt anyone or make a big distraction to the students' learning abilities. If showing your stomach or wearing shorts is unprofessional then what is wearing sweatpants or “lazy” clothing? why are sweatpants allowed but not shorts? How is showing skin unprofessional?
Dress codes are becoming more and more popular throughout the United States; however, this does not mean all administrators agree with them. In fact, there are educators
“appearance is an important component in that training if their graduates are to be truly employable.” Dressed for Future Success? Community College Dress Codes (Chen 2017). Yes, of course there is some truth to this because if you know the dress code to your school and really follow it then it might actually work because in work environments you have to follow it or you might get in trouble, Although this might be true there is always another side to every story. So, Most people really don't follow the dress code and usually they get away with it.
Incorporating professionalism, respect and empathy are a few of the most vital behaviors to attain in the dental hygiene profession. As a student we learn, read, and study about these behaviors expected of us; however I believe it is not until working independently with patients when we truly learn and master these three important behaviors. Similar to being a student, I feel that a professional is continuously learning, reading the latest news in the dental field and being familiar with the current dental research. While reflecting on the professional standpoint of care it can be viewed as both professionalism and being a professional; which are both similar by definition yet with a slightly different perspective. Professionalism is defined
My degree is in Health Information Manager we can get a job working in a business or clinical setting. In my profession the appropriate professional attire could range from a uniform to business clothing. It depends on what part of the health care organization I am currently working in as some department like to see their staff dressed in uniforms, where as other sections prefer staff to dress more businesslike. The health care organization where I currently prefers a more business casual look for their staff as we interact with patients but on a business level. The preferred attire for my department would be dress pants and shirt, appropriate length skirts or dresses, khakis, polo shirts, and dress or casual shoes, but no sneakers and ties are not required for the males.
If a company has an employee with a laid back attitude, sticking him or her in a uniform or "professional" attire isn't going to change that person's attitude solely because they look more “appropriately dressed.” The article states, “if employees don't look professional, then how can customers trust them to actually be professional?” I believe if you are unprofessional, give poor customer service, and lack focus, it is not because of what you are wearing. It is because who you are. Despite the fact that many esteemed positions require formal uniforms such as doctors and police officers, this is mainly due to needing to be identifiable in their field. There are many circumstances where a doctor or police officer have been unprofessional or lazy, while in their highly regarded
However, dress codes should promote professionalism and not tell girls to cover up or they are a
When it comes to dress code, every individual has a different viewpoint for its implementation. There are clothes that could be fashionable to one person but seen as offensive to another. A dress code can be justifiable when put into a situation that really does require certain attire to be worn. It gives a sense of formality and distinguishes an individual apart from a group. This report seeks to compare and contrast the characteristics of school dress codes with that of dress codes in the workplace.
Dress codes exist for a reason. Sometimes it is for safety reasons but sometimes it’s just about what the employers or clients are willing to accept. If a certain look or appearance might make a client uncomfortable then the company will decide that such an appearance is inappropriate or might pose an unnecessary risk for that company.
The most interesting part of the film is the grooming process that we have been talking about all semester, even in prison we see this process. The grooming process starts when a new inmate arrives, he is seemed as vulnerable so the perpetrators come an offers a form of friendship to the intended target. Perpetrators also offer favors which come with hidden price tags that new inmates are unfamiliar with, that is how they fall into the trap of the perpetrator in most
Grooming is an art form. Ask any groomer, and they’ll tell you that grooming is so much more than just shampooing and clipping. It’s a skill that requires education on the latest tools and techniques. It’s a practice that is physically demanding and equally as rewarding.
In conclusion, dress codes should be necessary at all workplaces. Dress codes can make companies more professional, they can potentially prevent injuries, they can help locate employees, and they can be considered perks. Dress codes are useful